Past Steering Committee
Terry Ballman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ann Mead, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Greg Arbuckle, Associate Dean, Ogden College of Science and Engineering
Susann deVries, Dean, University Libraries
Robert Dietle, University Senate representative
Sylvia Dietrich, Director of the School of Teacher Education, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Deidre Greene, Budget Coordinator, College of Health and Human Services
Greg Hackbarth, Staff Council representative
Ladonna Hunton, Associate Vice President, Budgets and Administration
Brian Kuster, Vice President for Student Affairs
Beth Laves, Associate Vice President, Extended Learning and Outreach
Kim Reed, Assistant Vice President for Resources Management
Larry Snyder, Dean, Potter College of Arts and Letters
Michelle Trawick, Associate Dean, Gordon Ford College of Business