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Welcome to Early College at WKU in Glasgow

early college referral graphicEarly College at WKU in Glasgow allows qualified high school juniors and seniors from participating schools to complete their first year of college at WKU in Glasgow.

Students take college courses on campus with WKU in Glasgow students throughout the morning. They return to their high school each afternoon to attend high school classes. 

Upon completion, Early College students will graduate high school with 30 hours of WKU credit. 



High school sophomores who plan to attend college and want to get a jumpstart on their college progress. Students apply through their high school guidance office during the winter of their 10th grade year. Up to 100 students from the region are accepted into the program annually



Professional Career Tracks: Students take Colonnade (WKU general education) and major-specific courses based on their selected Professional Career Track. Each track includes Colonnade (WKU general education) and major-specific courses. 

Click on the career tracks below for class details: 

Agriculture  Business Management  Crime & Legal Studies  Education   Nursing



Students also take two field trips every semester: one to WKU's Bowling Green campus and one to a local business or organization within the student’s Professional Career Track. 



To be considered, applicants should be a current student at a participating high school with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher at the time of application.

In rare cases, exceptional sophomores recommended by their high school may not have ≥3.5 unweighted cumulative GPA. After recommendation from the high school, the student can be admitted with ACT subscores of a 20 English and 22 Math or after qualifying through WKU placement exams with a ≥ 61 English score on the Accuplacer and ≥14 WKU Math Placement Exam.



Courses will be billed at the prevailing University dual credit tuition rate. The dual credit tuition rate for the 2024-2025 academic year is $95 per credit hour, or $285 for a three-hour course. Professional Career Tracks are designed to fully utilize KHEAA Work Ready and Dual Credit scholarships.



Allen County-Scottsville        

Barren County         



Hart County         

Metcalfe County         

Monroe County 



Attend Parent Night Info Sessions at your high school. 

Apply for Early College through your guidance office. 

Watch for Early College student announcement.
WKU staff will guide you through the WKU admissions process. 
Register for fall courses based on your Professional Career Track. 

Attend Early College Orientation at WKU in Glasgow. 

Apply for KHEAA Dual Credit and Work Ready scholarships. 
Kick off your junior or senior year as a WKU Early College student. 



Rachel Ervin, Early College Advising Associate
Stephanie Prichard, Senior Regional Academic Advisor 

Early College Handbook




Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.


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 Last Modified 3/24/25