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Owensboro Faculty

Michael Boyd
Michael Boyd
- Business Adjunct Faculty
Nick Brake
Nick Brake
- History Adjunct Faculty
B.C. Childress
B.C. Childress
- Leadership Adjunct Faculty
Jason Curry
Jason Curry
- Part-Time Faculty - Management
Darryl Dockery
Darryl Dockery
- Adjunct Professor of Music Education
Dr. Linda Domerese
Dr. Linda Domerese
- Public Health Adjunct Faculty
C. Robin Donahue
C. Robin Donahue
- Part-Time Faculty
Rebecca Eggers
Rebecca Eggers
- History Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Chandrakanth Emani
Dr. Chandrakanth Emani
- Associate Professor of Plant Molecular Biology and Online Non-Thesis Graduate Program Director
Jan Goldman
Jan Goldman
- Regional Campuses Coordinator, Workforce Recruitment
Whitney Harper, Ph.D., MSW
Whitney Harper, Ph.D., MSW
- Associate Professor, BSW Program
Brian Howard
Brian Howard
- Geography Adjunct Faculty – Owensboro Extended Campus
Dr. Jenny Jackson
Dr. Jenny Jackson
- Leadership & Management Adjunct Faculty
Pam Janoski
Pam Janoski
- Elementary Education Faculty
Jennifer Joe
Jennifer Joe
- Campus Librarian
Russ Lewis
Russ Lewis
- Psychology Adjunct Faculty
Leesa Moman
Leesa Moman
- Exceptional Education Adjunct Faculty
Kathy Mowers
Kathy Mowers
- Mathematics Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Lionel Phelps
Dr. Lionel Phelps
- Psychology Adjunct Faculty
Robert Purdy
Robert Purdy
- Part-Time Instructor
Enid Roach
Enid Roach
- Art Adjunct Faculty
Ray Roth
Ray Roth
- Psychology Adjunct Faculty
Allen Toy
Allen Toy
- Psychology Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Joseph Yazvac
Dr. Joseph Yazvac
- Psychology Adjunct Faculty


Information about accreditation can be found through the Office of the Provost.


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 Last Modified 5/4/18