- Associate Professor/Program Coordinator - M.S. Recreation & Sport Admin., Assistant Director: School of KRS
- brad.stinnett@wku.edu
- Smith Stadium East #1002
- (270) 745-4329
- https://twitter.com/bradstinnett
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD: University of Louisville
M.A.: Western Kentucky University
B.S.: Western Kentucky University
RSA 501: Research Methods
RSA 513: Recreation and Sport Administration
RSA 515: Recreation and Sport Facility Development
RSA 519: Fiscal Practices in Recreation
RSA 523: Theory of Recreation and Sport
RSA 530: Advanced Studies in Recreation
RSA 534: Facility Management
RSA 538: Facility and Event Security Management
RSA 544: Practicum
RSA 590: Practicum in Recreation and Sport
PE/REC 483: Technical Applications in PE/Recreation
REC 404(g): Recreation Facility Management
SPM 450: Sport Law
UC 101: Freshman Seminar/University Experience
Selected Publications:
Morehead, C. & Stinnett, B. (2019). Planning for security in sport facilities. In T. Sawyer (Ed.), Facility planning and design for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport (pp. 555-568). Urbana, IL: Sagamore.
Stinnett, B., Lasley, S., & Knight, J. (2019). Stakeholder evaluation of the policy effects of university decisions regarding athletics. The Sport Journal(20).
Jordan, T., Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., & Howard, D. (2019). Stakeholder engagement in event planning: A case study of one rural community’s process. Event Management, 23(1), 61-74.
Jordan, T., Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., & Howard, D. (2019). Stakeholder engagement in event planning: A case study of one rural community’s process. Event Management, 23(1), 61-74.
Jordan, T., Gibson, F., & Stinnett, B. (2018). Public-private partnership transforms cattle farm to community park: A case study of one rural community’s experience. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 55(2), 17-30.
Stinnett, B., Hoover, D., Judge, L., Cannady, L. & Lyons, S. (2018). Scholastic basketball facilities: A case study of schools within one Midwestern state. Physical Educator, 75(4) 616-631.
Stinnett, B. & Oregon, E. (2018). Pedagogical practices and curriculum considerations for a study away course in sport. Physical Educator, 75(3) 454-470.
Stinnett, B. & Gibson, F. (2015). Sustainability and recreational sports facilities: levels of institutional adoption. Recreational Sport Journal, 40(1) 92-104.
Stinnett, B., & Gibson, F. (2015). Sustainable facility development: perceived benefits and challenges. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 17(3) 73-82.
Allen, B., Ammons, J., Anderson, D., Anuszewski, T., Atkinson, T., Benitez, D., . . . Stinnett, B. (2014, July). Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Best Practices Guide. First
Annual National Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Summit. Summit conducted at the meeting of National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, Hattiesburg, MS.
Stinnett, B., Gibson, F., Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., & Hey, W. (2014). Choosing a Distance Learning Graduate Program to Address Career Goals. Brief paper accepted for ELEARN 2014 – World Conference on E-Learning. New Orleans, LA.
Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., & Hey, W. (2014). Online Graduate Certificate Programs: A Career Advancement Option? Brief paper accepted for ELEARN 2014 – World Conference on E-Learning. New Orleans, LA.
Stinnett, B. (2013). Sustainability and Collegiate Recreational Sports Facilities. Dissertation. University of Louisville.
Furgal, K., Sabic, F., Tarighi, M., Siu, K., Stinnett, B., Norris, B., & Hoover, D. (2020). Development of a survey to assess pediatric physical activity within a Bosnian refugee community. 2020 American Physical Therapy Association. Combined Sections Meeting. Denver, CO.
Jordan, T., Stinnett, B., & Gibson, F. (2018). Public-private partnerships turns working cattle farm into community park. 2018 National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Stinnett, B. & McCoy, L. (2018). NCAA FBS game day operations: An assessment of security management practices and challenges. Poster presented at the 11th Annual College Sports Research Institute Conference. Columbia, SC.
Knight, J., Lasely, S. & Stinnett, B. (2018). How do stakeholders evaluate the policy consequences of university decisions regarding athletics? 2018 Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Stinnett, B., & Oregon, E. (2017). Pedagogical practices and curriculum considerations for a study away course in sport. Poster presented at the 2017 Pedagogican Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference. Richmond, KY.
Knight, J., Lasley, S. & Stinnett, B. (2017). A comparison of faculty and staff attitudes on Title IX and intercollegiate athletics. Poster presented at the 10th Annual College Sports Research Institute Conference. Columbia, SC.
Knight, J., Lasley, S. & Stinnett, B. (2017). Faculty attitudes on intercollegiate athletics. 47th Annual Student Research Conference. Bowling Green, KY.
Cannady, L., Stinnett, B., & Hoover, D. (2016). An assessment of scholastic basketball programs: Administration, facilities, and support. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Student Research Conference. Bowling Green, KY.
Stinnett, B. & Oregon, E. (2016). Best practices in study away: Texas Sport Facility Symposium. 2016 International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Oregon, E. & Stinnett, B. (2016). Instructional strategies in a faculty-led study away course. 2016 International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
Stinnett, B., Zielen, S., & Gibson, F. (2015). Perceived benefits and challenges of sustainable facility initiatives. 2015 Kentucky Recreation and Parks Society Conference. Georgetown, KY
Stinnett, B. & Gibson, F. (2015). The Game Changer. 2015 International Association of Venue Managers Venue Connect. Baltimore, MD.
Stinnett, B. & Oregon, E. (2015). Study Away Best Practices: 2014 Texas Sport Facility Symposium. 2015 Kentucky Study Abroad Symposium. Bowling Green, KY.
Gibson, F., Hey, W., & Stinnett, B. (2015). Perceived benefits and challenges of sustainable facility initiatives. 2015 Southern District SHAPE America Convention. Atlanta, GA.
Oregon, E., Stinnett, B., & Maples, J. (2015). Using synchronous communication initiative to increase online program retention rates. 2015 Kentucky Student Success Summit. Louisville, KY.
Stinnett, B., Gibson, F., Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., & Hey, W. (2014). Choosing a Distance Learning Graduate Program to Address Career Goals. E-LEARN 2014 – World Conference on E-Learning. New Orleans, LA.
Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., & Hey, W. (2014). Online Graduate Certificate Programs: A Career Advancement Option? E-LEARN 2014 – World Conference on E-Learning. New Orleans, LA.
Hey, W., Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., Oregon, E., & Fitzpatrick, A. (2014). Advantages of Partnerships: Benefits for Students, Online Programs, and Professional Organizations. Clute Institute International Academic Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., Stinnett, B., Gibson, F., & Hey, W. (2014). The Analysis of the Use of Multiple Levels of Rich Media and New Technologies in an Online Sport Media and Branding Program. Seventh International Conference on E-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies. Portland, OR.
Hagan, C., Manny, G., Ray, Keisha., Gibson, F., & Stinnett, B. (2014). Sustainability and Recreational Sports Facilities. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Posters-at-the-Capital, Frankfort, KY.
Stinnett, B., & Hottell, D. (2018). NIRSA Research Grant. How did you become a director? A profile of competencies, experiences, and demographic factors affecting career progression of senior collegiate recreation officers. $10,000 (unfunded).
Stinnett, B. & Jordan, T. (2017). WKU Center for Leadership Excellence. Assessing perceived Leadership competencies of non-profit chief executive officers in Kentucky. $1,250 (funded).
Stinnett, B. & Downing, C. (2016). Green Sports Alliance Grant. College sports sustainability makeover. $50,000 (unfunded)
Stinnett, B. (2015). WKU College of Health and Human Services Faculty Research Scholarship. An assessment of scholastic basketball training facilities: size, equipment, management. $4,000 (funded)
Oregon, E., Fitzpatrick, A., Stinnett, B., & Gibson, F. (2015). School of Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport. Student Travel Subsidies for the 2015 Study Away Indianapolis Sport Facility Symposium. $5,600 (awarded).
Oregon, E., Stinnett, B., & Gibson, F. (2015). School of Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport. Student Travel Subsidies for the 2015 Inter
Professional Service
College of Health & Human Services Graduate Curriculum Committee (2021-present)
CHHS Graduate Assistant Allocation Committee, Member
University Faculty Award for Public Service Committee, Member
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of South Central KY, Board Member (2015-2019)
School of KRS Physical Education Instructor Search Committee (2018)
Recreational Sports Journal, Editorial Board (2017-Present)
Thesis Committee Member-McGill (2017)
School of KRS Assistant Professor Search Committee (2017)
The Great American Eclipse 2017 Committee (2016-2017)
IAVM Certification Board, Memeber (2016-2020)
Intramural-Recreational Sports Assistant Director Search Committee (2016)
Thesis Committee Member-Cannady (2016)
IAVM Young Professional Committee, Vice-Chair (2016)
Interanational Golf Federation Pre-Olympic Drug Testing (2016)
IAVM Universities Programming Committee, Member (2015-2016)
NIRSA Sustainability Committee, Consultant (2012-2015)
NIRSA Sustainability Committee, Chair (2010-2012)
National Center for Drug Free Sport, Drug Testing Collector (2008-Present)
KRPS Conference & Exhibition Host/Program Committee (2017)
Kentucky State NIRSA Workshop Host Committee, Member (2017)