- Professor/Program Coordinator - Recreation, Park & Nonprofit Administration + Nonprofit Admin Graduate Certificate
- raymond.poff@wku.edu
- Smith Stadium East 1028
- (270) 745-2498
- http://www.wku.edu/flyfishing/
- Curriculum Vitae
- First-generation college student.
- Have lived in seven states + Canada. Have been in 40 states and seven countries.
- Former ACA certified whitewater kayaking instructor.
- Married with four children.
- Enjoy fly fishing. Have led the WKU Fly Fishing Montana program since 2012.
- Developed and led a WKU New Zealand study abroad program in 2016, 2018, and 2020.
PhD: Indiana University, Leisure Behavior
MS: Indiana University, Recreation
BS: Brigham Young University, Recreation Management and Youth Leadership
Courses I Regularly Teach:
REC 200: Introduction to Recreation
REC 402: Fiscal Practices in Recreation
REC 420/G: Recreation and Tourism
REC 480: Fly Fishing Montana: Travel-based Learning in Recreation and Tourism
REC 480: New Zealand: Recreation & Tourism in Middle-earth
REC 490: Recreation Internship
REC 493: Recreation Practicum
RSA 501: Research Methods in Recreation and Sport
RSA 570: Fiscal Administration in the Nonprofit Sector
RSA 585: Nonprofit Practicum
Selected Publications:
Hildreth, A., Poff, R., Knackmuhs, E., Schu, B., & Gardner, L. (2019). Fly fishing: One approach to assisting veterans. SHAPE Kentucky Journal, 57(1), 16-29.
Hagan, C., Poff, R., Schu, B., Stenger-Ramsey, T., Ramsing, R., & Gardner, L. (2019). Youth Introduction to fishing and participation in Kentucky high school bass fishing. SHAPE Kentucky Journal, 57(1), 30-36.
Camilla J. Hodge, Ramon B. Zabriskie, Jasmine A. Townsend, Dennis L. Eggett & Raymond Poff (2016): Family leisure functioning: A cross-national study. Leisure Sciences, 1-22.
Poff, R., Cleinmark, J., Stenger-Ramsey, T., Ramsing, R., & Gibson, F. (2013). Outdoor ethics and Appalachian Trail hikers: An investigation of Leave No Trace practices. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 51(1), 55-64.
Poff, R., Stenger-Ramsey, T., Ramsing, R., & Spencer, S. (2013). Outdoor recreation journals: A topical analysis from 2009-2012. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 5(2), 151-154.
Gonzalez, T., Poff, R., Ramsing, R., Lyons, S., Zabriskie, R., & Murrell, L. (2013). Family leisure and physical activity: A study of seventh and eighth grade students. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 50(2), pp. 32-45.
Hodge, C., Zabriskie, R., & Poff, R. (2012). International family leisure functioning: A comparative study. In, Abstracts from the 2012 Leisure Research Symposium. Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association.
Nunnally, M., Poff, R., Gibson, F., Bain, S., Maloney, R., Larson, B., Spencer, S., & Deere, R. (2012). Website design and development. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 50(1), pp. 39-48.
Poff, R., Zabriskie, R., & Townsend, J. (2010). Modeling family leisure and related family constructs: A national study of U.S. parent and youth perspectives. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(3), pp. 365-391.
Poff, R. A., & Webb, D. J. (2007). Outdoor recreation program directory & data/resource guide (4th ed.). Bowling Green, KY.
Selected Grants/Scholarships:
Poff, R. (2017). WKU fly-fishing boat. Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, $2,563 (proposal submitted via WKU Foundation, (fully funded).
Poff, R. (2015). Fly Fishing in Montana – A Pilot Program for Dual Credit High School Students. Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, $3,800 (fully funded).
Poff, R. (2012). Youth Perceptions of Family Leisure Outcomes College of Health and Human Services Faculty Scholarship Award. $3,000 (Submitted – Not Awarded).
King, A., & Poff, R. (2012). Students serving people: Perceived benefits of direct community service. WKU Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement (FUSE) grant. $5,000 (Awarded).
Poff, R. (2012). New Zealand Study Abroad. WKU Curriculum Development/International Program (CDIP). $3,000 (Submitted – Not funded).
Selected Professional Service
Managing Editor - Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership (2008-2017; 2021-present)
Managing Editor - Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership (2009-present)
Journal Advisory Board - Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership (2008-present)
AORE Research Symposium (2005-2010)
*Chair (2008-2009)
*Chair-elect (2007-2008)
*Paper reviewer AORE Research Symposium (2005-2007, 2010, 2012)
*Helped conceptualize and create AORE Research Symposium
Research and Publications Committee (2001-2013)
*'Charter' Committee member (2001)
*Assistant Chair, Research and Publications Committee (2005-2007)
*Chair, Research and Publications Committee (2003-2005, 2001-2002)
*Provided leadership in efforts to investigate and facilitate establishing a new scholarly, peer-reviewed journal Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership to address needs in the area of outdoor recreation and education. This included serving on the AORE - WEA Journal Steering committee. Overall process from initial to formal announcement of journal (2001-2008)