- Associate Professor - Sport Management
- tricia.jordan@wku.edu
- Smith Stadium East 1023
- (270)745-6042
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD: Univeristy of Louisville
M.A.: Western Kentucky University
M.S.: Western Kentucky University
B.A.: University of Northern Iowa
REC 496: Nonprofit Internstip
RSA 513: Fiscal Practices in Recreation and Sport
RSA 519: Fiscal Practices in Recreation Sport
RSA 521: Public Relations in Rec/Sport
RSA 523: Theory of Recreation and Sport
RSA 560: Issues in Nonprofit Administration
SPM 310: Sport Ethics & Morals
SPM 315: Sport Communication
SPM 404: Sport Facility Management
SPM 450: Sport Law
SPM 452: Sport Leadership and Management
SPM 456: Advance Studies in Sport
Recent Publications
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Forsythe, S. (Spring 2019). Rural Kentucky sport officials’ perspectives on recruitment, training and retention. KAHPERD Journal, 56(2), 59-72. ISSN: 2333-7419 (Online Version/ISSN: 1071-2577(Printed Copy)
Forsythe, S.A., Upright, P.A., Mergenthal, R., * & Jordan, T.A. (Spring 2019). The impact of head coaching change on intercollegiate student-athletes. KAHPERD Journal, 56(2), 73-85. ISSN: 2333- 7419 (Online Version/ISSN: 1071-2577(Printed Copy)
Jordan, T., Gibson, F., Stinnett, B., & Howard, D.* (2019). Stakeholder engagement in event planning: A case study of one rural community's process. Event Management: An International Journal, 23, 61-74.
Upright, P., & Jordan, T., Halligan, A*. (Fall 2018). A qualitative examination of sportsmanship and behavior in a Little League Baseball organization. Kentucky Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 55(1), 42-48. ISSN 233-7419 (online Version)/ISSN: 1017-2577 (Printed Copy).
Jordan, T., Stinnett, B., & Gibson, F. (Spring 2018). Public private partnership transforms cattle farm to community park: A case study of one rural community's experience. KAHPERD Journal, 55(2), 17-30.
Hall1, A.T., Morris2, C.E., Forsythe2, S., Jordan2, T., Schafer2, M.A., Wiczynki2, T.L., & Upright2, P. (2018). Evaluation of the health and physical fitness and factors influencing retention of scholastics sports officials in the sport of American football [Abstract]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5), Supplemental.
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Forsythe, S. A. (Fall 2017). Social media and relationship marketing in community sport. KAHPERD Journal, 55(1), 8-19.
Hey, W., Upright, P., Jordan, T., Church, T., & Lovett, M. (Spring 2017). Peer Evaluations: Identifying criteria for assessing student's oral presentations. Alabama State Association Journal ASAHPERD, 37(1), 18-26.
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Peden, C. (2016, December). Obtaining an entry-level position in sport and recreation: Do volunteer experiences matter? International Journal of Volunteer Administration, XXXII, (1).
Jordan, T. & Upright, P. (2016). Public-private partnerships case study: Use of P3s in rural community development of event facilities. Journal of Facility Planning, Design, and Management, 4(2), 103-116.
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Trice-Owens, K. (2016) Crisis management in nonprofit organizations: A case study of crisis communication and planning. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 6(2), 159-177.
Jordan, T., Upright, P. & Gibson, F. (2015). Design build case study: Lessons learned from developing a neighborhood spray park. Journal of Facility, Planning, Design, and Management, 2(3), 75-89.
Peden, C., Upright, P., Hey, W., & Jordan, T. (2015, Spring). Fan identification in sports: Assessing fan motives for supporting a sports organization. KAHPERD Journal, 52(2), 37-41.
Jordan, T., Gibson, F., & Howard, D. (2017). Case study: Rural community's stakeholder engagement in event planning. Proceeding for the Leisure Research Symposium for the 2017 NRPA Congress and Exposition.
Jordan, T., & Upright, P. (2016). Case Study: Use of P3s in rural community event facilities. Proceedings for the Leisure Research Symposium for the 2016 NRPA Congress and Exposition.
Upright, P., & Jordan, T. (2016). Design-build construction and the neighborhood spray park. Proceedings for the Leisure Research Symposium for the 2016 NRPA Congress and Exposition.
Jordan, T., Upright, P. & Warren, J. (2015, September). Case study of relationship marketing and social media in summer collegiate baseball league. Proceedings from European Association for Sport Management 2015 Conference Sport Management in the Digital Age. Dublin, Ireland.
Upright, P., & Jordan, T. (2015, September). An examination of sportsmanship and behavior in youth sport: The case of Little League Baseball. Proceedings from European Association for Sport Management 2015 Sport Management in the Digital Age Conference Dublin, Ireland.
Warren, J., Upright, P., Melancon, J. & Jordan, T. (2015, September). Comparing social media use and expectations from fans in the National Football League (NFL) and the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Proceedings from European Association for Sport Management 2015 Sport Management in the Digital Age Conference Dublin, Ireland.
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Smith D. (2014, September). Image restoration: Case study of Pennsylvania State University's response to the Sandusky scandal. European Association for Sport Management 2014 Conference Social & Commercial Impact of Sport. Coventry, UK.
Upright, P. Jordan, T. & Mann, S. (2014, September). A qualitative examination of player perspectives of corruption in Indian cricket. European Association for Sport Management 2014 Conference Social & Commercial Impact of Sport. Coventry, UK.
Smith, D., Jordan, T., & Upright, P. (2014, September). A qualitative analysis: An examination of recreation league sport official satisfaction and retention. European Association for Sport Management 2014 conference Social & Commercial Impact of Sport. Coventry, UK.
Jordan, T. & Smith, D. (February 2014). Sport communication: Strategies for crisis management; Southern District AAHPERD Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Smith, D. & Jordan, T. (February 2014). Volunteer experiences: Do they matter; Southern District AAHPERD Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Upright, P., Smith, D., & Jordan, T. (February 2014). The economic impact of recreational sport event on a rural community; Southern District AAHPERD Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Stinnett, B., & Jordan, T. (Fall 2016). Assessing Perceived Leadership Competencies of Nonprofit Chief Executive Officers in Kentucky. Center for Leadership Excellence Grant Proposal. $2,500.00 Requested; Funded at $1250.00
Jordan, T., Upright, P., & Forsythe, S. (Not Funded 2016, June). Project Title Perceptions of relationship marketing and social media: Does it influence management cooperation, performance tolerance and sponsor patronage in minor league baseball? Sport Marketing Association Research Grant.
Jordan, T. & Upright, P. (Funded Spring 2015). Project Title: Case study of relationship marketing and social media in summer collegiate baseball league CHHS Research Grant $1,800.00
Upright, P. & Jordan, T. (Funded November 3, 2014) Project Title: A qualitative case study examining sport official retention: Why do we stay if the pay is low and we’re not always appreciated. CHHS Research Grant $1,000.00
Student Government Association Organizational Aide Application for Nonprofit Award Luncheon
- Britt, J.T., Howard, D., & Jordan, T. (Fall 2017), Awarded:$480.00
- Britt, J.T., & Jordan, T. (Spring 2017), Awarded:$480.00
- Peden, C., Crowe, Q, & Jordan T. (2015), Awarded:$480.00
- Wientjes, D.E., Prather, B.N., Jordan, T. (Spring 2014), Awarded: $480.00
BAJA 5K Run/1 Mile Fun Walk Committee (2006-2012)
Baptist Health System Free Sport Physicals, Christian and Hopkins County, KY (2012-2017)
Friday Night Summer Conceert Series Event Logistics (2013-2014)
Hopkins County Home Builders Association Golf Outing and Home Expo (2013-2017)
Madisonville Rotary Club (Fall 2007-Present)
Hopkins County STEP (Start Thinking Exercise Power) Coalition (2006-2012)
Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (2013-present)
Kentucky Park and Recreation Society (2014-Present)
Kidapalooza Children's Festival Committee and Activity Sub-Committee Chair )2008-2012
Sport Marketing Association (2016)
North American Society for Sport Management (2012-Present)
United Way of the Coalfield Campaign Cabinet (2009-2012)