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Senate Executive Committee Meeting Agenda

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Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Meeting
Monday, February 1, 2021 -- 3:15pm

(Join Zoom Meeting:  https://wku.zoom.us/j/96517745732)


WELCOME!  Until further notice, the WKU Faculty Senate and
Senate Executive Committee will meet virtually using ZOOM.


For those new to this technology, see: https://www.wku.edu/its/zoom/


The third candidate for WKU Provost will be on campus on February 1st and
will hold a forum for faculty, staff and student governance bodies at 3:00.
SEC will convene immediately AFTER this forum.


Copy of Agenda
A.  Approve minutes of previous month's SEC Meeting:

1.  SEC Meeting Minutes 1.11.2021

B.  Officer Reports

1.  Chair - Julie Shadoan

2.  Vice Chair - Daniel Clark

3.  Secretary - Laura Bohuski

C.  Standing Committee Reports:

1.  Academic Quality, Francesca Sunkin: (Report posted)

a.  AQ Report 1.22.21

b.  WKU PDF Policy

2.  Budget and Finance, Guy Jordan: (No report)

3.  Colonnade/General Education, Patricia Todd: (No report)

4.  Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Daniel Clark: (Report posted)

a.  FWPR Report 1.15.21

b.  Faculty Handbook Revision (Grievance)

c.  Faculty Handbook Revision (Financial Exigency)

5.  Graduate Council, Aaron Hughey: (Report posted)

6.  Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Liz Sturgeon: (Report posted)

D.  Other Committee/Organization Reports:

1.  Faculty Handbook, Laura DeLancey: (No report)

2.  Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL):  (No report)

3.  American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Margaret Crowder:  (No report)

E.  Advisory Member Reports:

1.  Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller

2.  Provost, Cheryl Stevens

3.  SGA President, Garrett Edmonds

F.  New Business:

G.  Old Business:

1.  Faculty Ombudsperson(s)

a.  Status

2.  Regent Election

a.  Status, OAG Opinion re: eligibility to vote (part-time instructors)


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 Last Modified 2/22/21