Senate Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Meeting
Monday, May 4, 2020 -- 3:15pm
Do not come to the Faculty House. Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link to ZOOM is below and will be emailed.
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Copy of Agenda
A. Approve minutes of previous month's SEC Meeting:
1. SEC Meeting Minutes 4.6.2020
B. Susan Howarth, Executive Vice President for Strategy, Operations and Finance
1. WKU FY2021 Budget
C. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Julie Shadoan
2. Vice Chair - Margaret Crowder
3. Secretary - Laura Bohuski
D. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, David Serafini: (No report)
2. Budget and Finance, Guy Jordan: (Report posted)
3. Colonnade/General Education, Mary Wolinski: (Report posted)
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Lauren McClain: (Report posted)
a. FWPR Committee Report 4.17.2020
b. Faculty Worklife Survey Report 2020
c. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision IIIE, IIIG, IVB (Promtion, Tenure Eligible).pdf
d. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision VIIIB through D (Grievance Policy).pdf
5. Graduate Council, Ann Ferrell: (Report posted)
6. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Anthony Paganelli: (Report posted)
E. Other Committee Reports:
1. Faculty Handbook, Kirk Atkinson: (No report)
a. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision IIR (Extracurricular Activities).pdf
b. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision IIIB (Time to Promotion, Non-Tenure).pdf
c. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision IIIC (Time to Promotion, Tenure Eligible).pdf
d. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision V.D and V.E (Continuannce).pdf
e. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision VIIA2b (Financial Exigency).pdf
f. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision VIIA2c (Program Closures).pdf
g. Faculty Handbook/Faculty Handbook Revision IXH (Transitional Retirement).pdf
2. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL), Molly Kerby: (No report)
3. American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Margaret Crowder: (No report)
F. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Claus Ernst
2. Provost, Cheryl Stevens
3. SGA President, Will Harris
G. Old Business:
1. Senate Charter Revisions (Second Reading)
H. New Business:
1. Faculty Handbook Chair
2. Standing Committee Appointments for AY 2020-2021
3. AA Policy Revision 1.2123 (Summer and Winter Sessions Compensation)