Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Faculty Senate Meeting
Thursday, February 17, 2022 -- 3:45 p.m.
ZOOM LINK: https://wku.zoom.us/j/96965226266
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A. Approval of January 27, 2022 Minutes:
1. Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes 1.27.22
B. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Julie Lee
a. Senate Leadership nominations
b. Charter revision to move Handbook to Standing Committee (first reading)
c. Handbook Committee Bylaws (already approved, just for reference)
2. Vice-Chair - Janet Applin
a. At Large Senate elections this Spring
3. Secretary - April Murphy
C. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, Francesca Sunkin, Chair: (No report)
2. Budget and Finance, Kirk Atkinson, Chair: (Report posted)
3. Colonnade/General Education, Patricia Todd, Chair: (Report posted)
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Trish Jaggers, Chair: (No report)
5. Graduate Council, Martha Day, Chair: (Report posted)
6. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Melanie Autin, Chair: (Report posted)
D. Other Committee/Organization Reports:
1. Faculty Handbook, Julie Shadoan: (Report posted)
2. Budget Executive Committee, Kirk Atkinson (No report)
3. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL), Robin Ayers, Chair: (No report)
4. American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Susan Eagle, Chair: (No report)
5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Molly Kerby, Chair (No report)
6. Jennifer Smith, WKU Executive Director of Government & External Relations
E. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller
2. Provost, Bud Fischer
3. SGA President, Matthew Wininger
F. Old Business:
G. New Business:
1. Academic Affairs, Rob Hale
a. AA Policy 1.5041 Selection Appointment and Reassignment of Department Heads/Chairs
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