Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Faculty Senate Meeting
Thursday, May 11, 2023 -- 3:45 p.m.
ZOOM LINK: https://wku.zoom.us/j/5940316448
Please note, there is no pre-registration. The zoom link is live.
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A. Approval of previous months Senate Meeting:
1. Faculty Senate Minutes 4-20-23
B. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Antonia (Toni) Szymanski
2. Vice-Chair - Dan Clark
3. Secretary - Stacy Leggett
C. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, Amanda Drost, Chair (No Report)
2. Budget and Finance, Eric Kondratieff, Chair
3. Colonnade/General Education, Stacey Forsythe, Chair (No Report)
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Kate Horigan, Chair
5. Graduate Council, Dana Sullivan, Chair
6. Graduate Curriculum Committee, Dana Sullivan, Chair
7. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Shelia Flener, Chair
a. Catalog Policy Revision Proposal Subsequent Degrees
8. Faculty Handbook, Julie Shadoan, Chair
a. Proposal II.A.1 Faculty Appointment
D. Other Committee/Organization Reports:
1. American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Susan Eagle, Chair
2. Budget and Executive Committee (BEC), Kirk Atkinson, Chair
3. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL), Susan Eagle, Chair
4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Molly Kerby, Chair
E. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller
2. Provost, Robert "Bud" Fischer
a. Information Item - 1.113 Evaluation of Faculty Credentials
3. SGA President, Cole Bornefeld
F. Old Business:
G. New Business
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