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Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

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Faculty Senate Meeting
Thursday, October 15, 2020 -- 3:45 p.m.

All meeting attendees including senators, advisory members and guests will be
required to register BEFORE October 15th at 3:30 p.m. in order to access the Zoom meeting. The purpose of registration is to verify attendance and voting on action items. Once you register, you will receive the meeting information. Thank you.


For those new to this technology, see: https://www.wku.edu/its/zoom/


Copy of Agenda
A.  Approval of September 2020 Minutes:

1.  Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes 9.17.2020

B.  Officer Reports

1.  Chair - Julie Shadoan

National Coalition of Faculty Senates (National)

Coalition of Senate Faculty Leadership (KY)

Handbook Committee

2.  Vice-Chair - Daniel Clark

Regent Election

3.  Secretary - Laura Bohuski

C.  Standing Committee Reports:

1.  Academic Quality, Francesca Sunkin: (No report)

2.  Budget and Finance, Guy Jordan: (No written report)

3.  Colonnade/General Education, Patricia Todd: (Report posted)

4.  Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Daniel Clark (Report posted)

a.  FWPR Report 9.25.20.pdf

b.  VII.A.2.b financial exigency.pdf

c.  VII.A.2.c program closures.pdf

5.  Graduate Council, Aaron Hughey: (Report posted)

6.  Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Liz Sturgeon: (Report posted)

D.  Other Committee/Organization Reports:

1.  Faculty Handbook, Kirk Atkinson: (No report)

2.  Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL), Molly Kerby:  (No written report)

3.  American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Margaret Crowder:  (No report)

E.  Advisory Member Reports:
1.  Faculty Regent, Claus Ernst

2. Provost, Cheryl Stevens

3.  SGA President, Garrett Edmonds
F.  New Business:

1.  Senate Discussion Board

2.  Spring 2021

G.  Old Business

1.  Restart Follow Up Survey Results

2.  Interim Status of Provost

3.  Dr. Bruce Kessler

4.  Faculty Ombudsperson

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 Last Modified 10/26/20