Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Faculty Senate Meeting
Thursday, December 12, 2024 -- 3:45 p.m.
Senate Chambers - DSU 2081
A. Approval of previous months Senate Meeting:
1. Faculty Senate Minutes 11-21-24
B. Officer Reports
1. Chair - Mac McKerral
2. Vice-Chair - Dan Clark
3. Secretary - Sarah Bonis
C. Standing Committee Reports:
1. Academic Quality, Tracy Jenkins (Chair): (No Report)
2. Budget and Finance, Eric Kondratieff (Chair): (Report Posted)
3. Colonnade/General Education, Angie Jerome (Chair): (No Report)
4. Faculty Welfare and Professional Responsibilities, Stephanie Riehn (Chair): (Report Posted)
5. Graduate Council, Jeremy Logsdon (Chair): (Report posted)
6. Graduate Curriculum Committee, Whitley Stone (Chair): (Report Posted)
7. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Shelia Flener (Chair): (Report posted)
8. Faculty Handbook, Julie Shadoan (Chair): (No Report)
D. Other Committee/Organization Reports:
1. American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
2. Budget and Executive Committee (BEC) (Report Posted)
3. Coalition of Senate and Faculty Leadership (COSFL)
4. ONE WKU, Molly Kerby (Chair)
E. Advisory Member Reports:
1. Faculty Regent, Shane Spiller
2. Provost, Robert "Bud" Fischer
3. SGA President, Sam Kurtz
F. Old Business:
G. New Business:
1. Action Item: Election for the WKU Academic Complaint Committee
2. Action Item: Appointment to WKU Employee Benefits Advisory Committee
3. Action Item: Summer-Winter Session Compensation Policy
H. Informational Items:
a. Provost email on Academic Calendar
I. Items for the Benefit of the Body:
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