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WKU Sociology & Criminology Alumni Profiles


Jessie Schartung '13 & '15

Jessie Schartung first decided to attend WKU after earning her associates degree at Owensboro
community college. While there, Jessie maintained a 4.0 GPA and started to consider earning her
bachelor’s degree. Through hard work and determination Jessie earned a transfer scholarship
from WKU and began working towards her bachelor degree in sociology. She graduated in 2013
with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a minor in criminology. It was at this time that Jessie
earned the Outstanding Undergraduate Student award. Jessie continued with her education and in
2015 she earned her master’s degree in sociology and specialized in juvenile delinquency. She
also won the award for Outstanding Graduate Student.

Currently, Jessie is employed at Saint Benedict’s Women and Family Services as a case
management specialist. She has worked there since December 2019. Her job is to work with
everyone who comes to the shelter and she is trained in targeted case management. She works
with each individual to set goals and find ways to meet them. These goals can be related to their
home, job, or mental health. The goal is to help everyone achieve self sufficiency. Jessie
described her job as different from a normal case worker. “Normally you’d see these people once
a week, but because this is a homeless shelter I see them multiple times a week.” Jessie is also a
certified crisis counselor which she incorporates into her work. She stated that since she is
working with people who are often at their lowest point, knowing how to manage crisis comes in
handy. Jessie works hard to help others obtain their basic needs and to help them take the next
step towards a stable life.

Before St. Benedict’s Jessie held other jobs that helped her gain the skills for where she currently
works. Once she graduated she worked with at-risk youths at River Valley to set them on the
right path for life. She was then offered a job with the state of Kentucky in child protective
services where she worked as an investigator for two years. Jessie then went on to work as a
victim advocate for New Beginnings, a sexual assault and abuse recovery center. While there she
received certification as a crisis counselor. From there, a family court judge that knew her from
her time in CPS recommended her for her current job. Jessie said, “The work I do is so fulfilling
it doesn’t even seem like a job.” Jessie continued by saying the best part about her job is seeing
how she helps others better their lives.

Jessie’s advice for current and incoming students is to work hard to find your passion. “Figure
out what you’re passionate about and what sparks you in school. Learn to recognize it so you can
be truly happy in your job.” Jessie also advised students to set boundaries between their work
and personal life. She stated, “You gotta have that personal time to take care of yourself.”
Outside of work Jessie likes to hike, play sports, work on creative writing pieces and visit
amusement parks with her son.



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 Last Modified 9/28/20