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As a scientific discipline, Criminology emerged from the field of Sociology. Core Sociological concepts inform explanations of crime and society’s response to it.

WKU’s Bachelor’s program in Criminology provides students with the opportunity to understand the theoretical principles which guide practical solutions to issues associated with offending, victimization, and interactions with the Criminal Justice System.

criminology llc students with books

Criminology 4-Year Degree Path

Compared with traditional criminal justice programs, Criminology has a strong interdisciplinary focus. Our program continues this tradition by studying crime through a societal lens as we examine theoretical explanations, policy developments, and the broader implications of solutions on the health and wellbeing of communities and society.

Major Requirements

Criminology student awards

For more information, contact:

  • (270) 745-2150
  • Grise Hall 100/101
  • criminology@wku.edu

Criminology LLC

Transfer Guide - KCTCS Students

2+2 Cohort Programs- BCTC & OCTC

Employment opportunities for graduates from the Criminology major program are expected to grow at a better than average rate over the next decade. The need for qualified graduates in Criminology is apparent in the recent growth of Criminology major programs. The interdisciplinary and research-centered focus of the program will allow graduates to seek employment in a variety of vocations, including occupations within the Criminal Justice System, social services, nonprofit, governmental and public and private research agencies at the local, state, national or international level.

This program will also prepare students for graduate study. Courses are available during the traditional spring and fall semester, online, during the summer and winter terms, and through independent learning.


Criminology Career Outlook




Leadership, Customer Service, Public Speaking, Research, Management


Commonwealth of Kentucky, Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, US Army, United States Air force, Center for Behavioral Health

*This data is pulled from Steppingblocks, a graduate insights software, based on WKU Criminology graduates over the last 15 years.


Criminology alum

Popular Criminology Careers include:
  • Probation Officer

  • Lawyer

  • Victim Advocate

  • Criminal Investigator
  • Crime Analyst

  • Police Officer





 Last Modified 10/14/24