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Though many differences can be identified among individuals, each of us lives with others in a society. In fact, it is through our daily social interactions that we create, sustain, and change the very essence of society. Sociology studies all aspects of life in a society, how it both shapes and is shaped by people. Using the scientific process, sociologists answer questions such as:

  • Why do jobs vanish from one area and appear somewhere else?
  • What social influences enable prejudice?
  • What alternatives to the nuclear family exist, and how prevalent are they?
  • How has an increased number of elderly people impacted life in the U. S.?
  • Is this still a country where hardworking people can get ahead?
  • How are intimate relationships around the world different?
  • Why does a person join a social movement and advocate for social change?

Students studying Sociology develop the ability to answer these questions, and understand the limitations of their conclusions. The skills you need to succeed in a 21st century career include creativity, innovation, critical thinking, analytic problem-solving, communication, collaboration, multicultural and global understandings, and expressive and persuasive writing skills.

students sitting at desks in sociology class

Sociology 4-Year Degree Path

The program is designed to further awareness and understanding of social life including the social causes and consequences of human behavior in groups, organizations, societies, and various cultures. Completion provides a broad background for students pursuing a variety of careers by helping them develop valuable skills.

Major Requirements

The minor requires 21 semester hours. All courses are three semester hours unless otherwise noted.

*A major in Sociology only requires 3 more classes than a minor

Minor Requirements

Sociology student shaking hands with professor

For more information, contact:

  • (270) 745-2150
  • Grise Hall 100/101
  • sociology@wku.edu


Financial Assistance

Student Advising



Career advancement in an increasingly diverse, global society requires the ability to work cooperatively and effectively with people from different cultures, ethnicities and nationalities, sociological coursework is uniquely suited to help you develop such skills. With a degree in Sociology, students have a foundation for both understanding and working in a globalizing world.


Sociology Career Outlook




Leadership, Customer Service, Research, Public Speaking, Data Entry, Interpersonal Communication


Lifeskills, Inc., Commonwealth of Kentucky, US Army, City of Bowling Green, Kentucky Administrative Office and the Courts

*This data is pulled from Steppingblocks, a graduate insights software, based on WKU Sociology graduates over the last 15 years.


Sociology class learning

Popular Sociology Careers Include:
  • Chief executive officer
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Case Manager
  • Claims Processor
  • Advocacy Coordinator
  • Compliance Director



 Last Modified 2/25/25