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External Grant Proposal Assistance Request Form


Please complete the following form to request assistance from Pre-Award staff in the Office of Sponsored Programs to develop an external grant proposal. Filling out the form ensures that your proposal request will be quickly scheduled and assigned to a grants specialist.

Please review the submission timeline and contact proposal.development@wku.edu with any questions regarding this form.


(e.g., National Science Foundation, Spencer Foundation, etc.)

(e.g., S-STEM, Small Grant Program, etc.)

Enter Project Title

(e.g., Co-PI, key personnel)

Paste as a hot link

I have read and understand the proposal guidelines (RFP)

Check Yes or No

I have informed my department/unit and college approvers of my intent to submit this proposal

Check Yes or No

All Personnel Supported by the Proposed Project Must Have Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Through CITIprogram.org. This includes Faculty, Staff, PostDocs, and Students. Have You Completed RCR Training at WKU?

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 Last Modified 6/12/24