Book Scholarship
Application Information
The Book Scholarship Award is open to all WKU Staff, part-time and full-time, seeking a Higher Ed degree.
- Deadlines for the applications:
Fall Semester: August 17th
Spring Semester: January 1st
- Summer Semester: May 5th
- Deadlines for the applications:
- Scholarships are awarded every semester to two individuals.
- Staff Senate awards a $50 scholarship, to be matched by Barnes & Noble, totaling a $100 scholarship.
- Money awarded is funded by donations/fundraisers.
- The application is made available here for a short period of time before the beginning of the Spring and Fall semesters.
- Scholarships awarded are subject to verification by tuition waiver filed with Human Resources.
- If you have any questions, you can email the Book Scholarship Committee.
Donation Information
Be sure to specify the donation is for the Staff Book Scholarship Fund in the College Heights Foundation.
Credit Card
College Heights Foundation
1906 College Heights Blvd. 41016
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1016