Certification Only, Teacher Education is a non-degree seeking program for students seeking additional teacher certification in the following concentrations (concentration codes shown in parentheses below):
Elementary Mathematics Specialist P-5, Endorsement (KEM)
The Elementary Mathematics Specialist P-5 Endorsement is designed to give professionals both a deep and practical knowledge of the content and pedagogy of elementary mathematics and skills for working with other professionals to develop their mathematical knowledge for teaching in P-5 settings.
Environmental Education P-12, Endorsement (KEV)
Based on the National Standards of the North American Association for Environmental Education, this graduate endorsement program provides students with a knowledge of the fundamental characteristics and goals of the field of environmental education, knowledge of environmental processes and systems, and knowledge and skills of appropriate instructional strategies and assessment techniques associated with the delivery of high quality environmental education programs. This graduate endorsement program will enhance the abilities of teachers in integrating environmental education into their teaching, as well as into the curriculum of their school and school district. It is comprised of 12 graduate hours that can be incorporated into Rank I and Rank II programs. It involves two required courses and a variety of electives.
Gifted and Talented Education P-12, Endorsement (KE37)
The endorsement for Gifted and Talented Education requires four courses: GTE 536|, GTE 537|, PSY 432G|, and GTE 538|. All of these except GTE 538| are offered online. Students may pursue the GTE endorsement as a stand-alone endorsement program or as part of a master's, Planned Fifth-Year/Rank II, or Planned Sixth Year/Rank I program.
Instructional Computer Technology P-12, Endorsement (KCT)
The Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement P-12 for teachers will be included in the Master of Science in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education program. This endorsement may also be completed as an emphasis in another master’s degree in Education; as an emphasis in a planned fifth-year (Rank II) or planned sixth-year (Rank I) program; or as a certification-only program.
Learning and Behavioral Disorders, Certification-Only (KLBD)
This certification program is designed to give special education professionals both a deep and practical knowledge of the content and pedagogy to teach students with Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD) in P-12 settings. Candidates are expected to become competent in theory, research, and application of best teaching practices related to exceptional students with mild to moderate disabilities and exhibit appropriate teacher dispositions and behaviors.
Library Media Education, Certification-Only (KLM)
The Library Media Education, Certification-Only program is designed to give professionals both a deep and practical knowledge of school libraries in P-12 settings. Candidates are expected to become competent in theory, research, and application of best practices related to school libraries.
Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Certification-Only (KMS)
This certification program is designed to give certified teachers both a deep and practical knowledge of the content and pedagogy to teach students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities (MSD) in P-12 settings. Within the MSD certification program in Special Education, candidates are expected to become competent in theory, research, and application of best teaching practices related to exceptional students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities and exhibit appropriate teacher dispositions and behaviors..
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Endorsement (KE36)
Persons who have certification to teach in the elementary, middle, or secondary grades can add on to that certification an endorsement in teaching English as a Second Language by completing the coursework and the ESL Praxis test with a minimum score of 157. An overall GPA of 3.0 and grade of “B” or better must be earned in the required core classes.
Teacher Leader, Endorsement (KTLE)
The Teacher Leader Endorsement is designed to develop Teacher Leaders who can positively impact student learning in their classrooms and schools. This endorsement is comprised of 16 hours of coursework that can count toward a master’s degree, Rank II or Rank I certification, or other graduate program.
- Elementary Math Specialist P-5 (KEM)
- Environmental Education (KEV)
- Gifted Education Endorsement (KE37)
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (KIE)
- Kentucky Computer Technology (KCT)
- Learning and Behavior Disorders (KLBD)
- Library Media Education (KLM)
- Moderate to Severe Disabilities (KMS)
- Teacher Leader Endorsement (KTLE)
- Teaching English as a Second Language Endorsement (KE36)
Program Admission
Admission to the Certification Only, Teacher Education program is specific to the concentration selected (concentration codes shown in parentheses below).
Elementary Mathematics Specialist P-5, Endorsement (KEM)
Applicants for the endorsement for Elementary Mathematics Specialist must have or be eligible for a teaching certificate for Elementary Education, Grades P-5. Applicants who wish to count the endorsement hours toward a master's degree or other graduate program must meet the eligibility requirements of that program.
Environmental Education P-12, Endorsement (KEV)
Applicants for the Environmental Education endorsement must have or be eligible for a teaching certificate at the elementary level (IECE Birth to Primary or Elementary P-5), middle grades level (Grades 5-9), or secondary level (Grades 8-12, Grades 5-12, or Grades P-12). Students certified or eligible for certification in Special Education P-12 are also eligible for admission to the Environmental Education endorsement.
Gifted and Talented Education P-12, Endorsement (KE37)
Applicants for the Gifted and Talented Education endorsement must have or be eligible for a teaching certificate at the elementary level (IECE Birth to Primary or Elementary P-5), middle grades level (Grades 5-9), or secondary level (Grades 8-12, Grades 5-12, or Grades P-12). Students certified or eligible for certification in Special Education P-12 are also eligible for admission to the Gifted and Talented Education endorsement.
Instructional Computer Technology P-12, Endorsement (KCT)
Applicants for the Instructional Computer Technology endorsement must hold a teaching certificate in any area of teaching.
Learning and Behavioral Disorders, Certification-Only (KLBD)
Applicants for the LBD Certification Program must have three years teaching experience and a current teaching certificate. Applicants who wish to count the certification hours toward an additional master’s degree or other graduate program must meet the eligibility requirements of that program. Note that students who do not meet the prerequisites of the core required courses will be required to complete the prerequisites of the core required courses as deficiencies.
Kentucky applicants whose certificates have expired may be admitted, but they may enroll in no more than six hours before they apply to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) for reissue of a Kentucky certificate. After the completion of six hours, a student admitted with an expired certificate must submit a copy of the re-issued certificate before being allowed to register for any additional courses. Applicants from out-of-state with expired certificates must complete the requirements for their respective states to renew their certificates and submit a copy of a current certificate.
Library Media Education, Certification-Only (KLM)
- ALA accredited Master's degree in Library Science; OR
- Master's degree and current teaching certificate in any area
Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Certification-Only (KMS)
Applicants for the MSD Certification Program must hold a current teaching certificate with three years teaching experience. Applicants who wish to count the certification hours toward a master’s degree or other graduate program must meet the eligibility requirements of that program.
Kentucky applicants whose certificates have expired may be admitted, but they may enroll in no more than six hours before they apply to the EPSB for reissue of a Kentucky certificate. After the completion of six hours, a student admitted with an expired certificate must submit a copy of the reissued certificate before being allowed to register for any additional courses. Applicants from out-of-state with expired certificates must complete the requirements for their respective states to renew their certificates and submit a copy of a current certificate.
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Endorsement (KE36)
Applicants for the Teaching English as a Second Language endorsement must have or be eligible for a teaching certificate at the elementary level (IECE Birth to Primary or Elementary P-5), middle grades level (Grades 5-9), or secondary level (Grades 8-12, Grades 5-12, or Grades P-12). Students certified or eligible for certification in Special Education P-12 are also eligible for admission to the Teaching English as a Second Language endorsement.
Teacher Leader, Endorsement (KTLE)
If counting the endorsement hours toward a master’s degree or other graduate program, the applicant must meet the eligibility requirements of that program. The applicant must have or be eligible for a teaching certificate.
Program Requirements (12-22 hours)
Requirements for the Certification Only, Teacher Education program are specific to the concentration selected (concentration codes shown in parentheses below).
Elementary Mathematics Specialist P-5, Endorsement (KEM)
Students may include the endorsement course work within the Specialization component of the MAE and Planned 5th year programs in Elementary Education-Teacher Leader. In addition, students in the Planned 6th-year/Rank I program in Elementary Education may also elect to incorporate this endorsement within their programs. The endorsement can be incorporated in the Ed.S. in Elementary Education as well. This graduate endorsement program requires 15 hours that may be incorporated into the Elementary Education MAE program or other graduate programs for elementary teachers.
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
ELED 571 | Leadership, Math and Technology Education | 3 |
ELED 572 | Math and Technology Methods for Diverse Learners | 3 |
ELED 573 | Math and Technology Assessment | 3 |
| 6 |
MATH 411G | Problem Solving for Elementary and Middle Grades Teachers 1 | |
MATH 507 | Number Systems for Elementary and Middle Grades Teachers 2 | |
MATH 508 | Rational Number Concepts for Elementary and Middle Grades Teachers 2 | |
Total Hours | 15 |
Environmental Education P-12, Endorsement (KEV)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
ENVE 520 | Introduction to Environmental Education | 3 |
ENVE 580 | Instructional Strategies in Environmental Education | 3 |
| 6 |
ENVE 585 | Special Topics in Environmental Education 1 | |
EDU 570 | Educational Assessment for P-12 Learners | |
GEOS 507 | Geographic Concepts and Skills for Teachers | |
RSA 532 | Environmental Education Resources | |
REC 434G | Environmental Interpretation | |
| |
Total Hours | 12 |
Gifted and Talented Education P-12, Endorsement (KE37)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
GTE 536 | Nature and Needs of Gifted, Creative, and Talented Students | 3 |
GTE 537 | Curriculum, Strategies, and Materials for Gifted Students | 3 |
PSY 432G | Psychology of the Gifted and Creative | 3 |
GTE 538 | Practicum for Teachers of Gifted Students | 3 |
Total Hours | 12 |
Instructional Computer Technology P-12, Endorsement (KCT)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
LITE 535 | Survey of Educational Technology Practices | 3 |
LITE 537 | Principles of Educational Technology Applications | 3 |
LITE 508 | Informatics in Education | 3 |
| 3 |
LITE 545 | Educational Technology Production | |
LITE 547 | Integration of Educational Technology | |
LITE 550 | Emerging Technology in Education | |
LITE 737 | Educational Technology Leadership | |
Total Hours | 12 |
Learning and Behavioral Disorders, Certification-Only (KLBD)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
SPED 530 | Advanced Assessment of Students with Disabilities in General Education | 3 |
SPED 525 | Intervention Support for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 531 | Data-Based Individualization in Special Education | 3 |
| 6 |
SPED 517 | Transition Services and Programs for Individuals with Disabilities | |
SPED 630 | Special Education Law and Finance | |
SPED 590 | Advanced Internship in Special Education | |
EDU 502 | Positive Learning Environment | |
Total Hours | 15 |
Library Media Education, Certification-Only (KLM)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
LITE 501 | Program Organization | 3 |
LITE 506 | Organization of Information | 3 |
LITE 508 | Informatics in Education | 3 |
LITE 512 | Issues in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education | 3 |
LITE 518 | Advanced Children's Literature and Collections | 3 |
LITE 527 | Advanced Young Adult Literature and Collections | 3 |
LITE 535 | Survey of Educational Technology Practices | 3 |
LITE 537 | Principles of Educational Technology Applications | 3 |
LITE 590 | Practicum in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education | 1-3 |
Total Hours | 25-27 |
Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Certification-Only (KMS)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
SPED 535 | Curriculum for Individuals with Moderate and Severe Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 615 | Instructional Strategies for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 529 | Assessment of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities | 3 |
| 6 |
SPED 630 | Special Education Law and Finance | |
SPED 517 | Transition Services and Programs for Individuals with Disabilities | |
SPED 590 | Advanced Internship in Special Education | |
SPED 610 | Characteristics of Low Incidence Disorders | |
Total Hours | 15 |
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Endorsement (KE36)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
ENG 407G | Linguistic Analysis | 3 |
ENG 408G | Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics | 3 |
ENG 565 | Integrated Teaching English as a Second Language | 3 |
ENG 566 | Seminar in Teaching English as a Second Language | 3 |
ENG 471G | TESL Practicum | 4 |
| 0-6 |
Total Hours | 16-22 |
Teacher Leader, Endorsement (KTLE)
Course List
Code |
Title |
Hours |
TCHL 500 | Foundations of Teacher Leadership | 3 |
TCHL 530 | Curriculum Development | 3 |
TCHL 545 | Classroom Instruction Strategies 1 | 0-3 |
TCHL 555 | School and Classroom Assessment 1 | 0-3 |
TCHL 559 | Capstone Project Design for Teacher Leadership | 1 |
TCHL 560 | Capstone Project for Teacher Leadership | 3 |
Total Hours | 10-16 |
While enrolled in TCHL 500, students will use several documents, including KTIP assessments or in-kind examples, dispositions self-surveys, referrals from school personnel, and their respective School Improvement Plan, to develop with endorsement advisors an individualized program of study related to Kentucky Teacher Standards, Framework for Teaching Components, and professional goals. Students are expected to enroll in TCHL 500 at the beginning of the endorsement and in TCHL 560 toward the end. Students should consult with their advisors regarding the optimal sequence of course work to meet their professional goals. Students must successfully complete TCHL 560 (course grade of "C" or higher) and present research results in an approved venue. Students must achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and in endorsement course work.