School of Teacher Education
Graduate Options In The School of Teacher Education
Note: By Graduate Council policy all requirements for the following degree programs must be completed within six years from the date the first course was taken.
- Advanced Teacher Education, Master of Arts in Education
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, Birth to Primary, Master of Arts in Education
- Instructional Design, Master of Science
- Special Education for Initial Certification, Learning and Behavior Disorders, Master of Arts in Teaching
- Special Education for Moderate and Severe Disabilities, Master of Arts in Education
- Special Education for Learning and Behavior Disorders, Master of Arts in Education
- Gifted Education and Talent Development, Master of Arts in Education
- Gifted Education and Talent Development, Specialist in Education
- Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education, Master of Science
- Literacy Education, Master of Arts in Education
Certification Only, Teacher Education is a non-degree seeking program for students seeking additional teacher certification in the following concentrations.
- Elementary Mathematics Specialist Endorsement, P-5
- Environmental Education
- Gifted and Talented Education
- Instructional Computer Technology
- Teaching English as a Second Language
- Teacher Leader Endorsement
Note: These certificate programs do not provide eligibility for endorsements to teaching certificates. However, certified individuals who complete the Educational Technology Certificate may apply for the Instructional Computer Technology endorsement. Contact program advisor for more information.
- Teacher Education for Initial Certification
- Elementary Education (EEED)
- Middle or Secondary Education (EMSE)
- Secondary Science and Mathematics Residency (ERSM)
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, Birth to Primary, for Initial Certification, Master of Arts in Teaching
- Middle Grades Education for Initial Certification, Master of Arts in Teaching
- Special Education for Initial Certification, Learning and Behavior Disorders, Master of Arts in Teaching
The School of Teacher Education
Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 1005
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
Additional Information