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Study Abroad Calendar

Explorations Trinidad Information Session
  • Date: Thursday, February 12th, 20152015-02-12
  • Time: 4:30pm
  • Location: Grise Hall 340Grise Hall 340

Information to be covered:

  1.        A general overview of the course and course expectations
  2.        A tentative itinerary of the in-country experience
  3.        Passport information, applications, and funding assistance
  4.        Information on and assistance with the general application process
  5.        Information on internal financial support and the application process relative to applying and receiving financial support
  6.        Financial Aid information
  7.        Critical application deadlines

More information about the program: http://wku-ip.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11033

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 Last Modified 11/14/18