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Opportunities After Study Abroad

Your study abroad experience does not end when you get on the plane to return home. There are so many ways you can continue building upon your experience at WKU and beyond! Consider the following opportunities.


Opportunities for Campus and Community Involvement

WKU Global Learning Ambassador Program

We invite you to apply to serve as an official representative of the Office of Study Abroad and Global Learning in the role of Study Abroad Ambassador, Peer Advisor, or Exchange Student Mentor. The WKU Global Learning Ambassador Program is way for you to help other WKU students have the same kind of amazing international experience as you had. Applications are reviewed each spring semester for the following academic year. See WKU Global website for more details.

Photo Contest

Submit your photos to our study abroad contests for a chance to win a cash prize! See WKU Global Study Abroad Photo Contest page for guidelines.

Global Studies Designation

By completing a total of 24 credit hours of coursework with substantial international content (many of which are general education and major requirements) and 6 hours of modern language on top of your study abroad experience, you can add an “Emphasis in Global Studies” to your transcript upon graduation.

Connect with the Community

Join an international club or organization to help you connect with others who can relate to your experience. Consider volunteering at the Alive Center, the International Center, Habitat for Humanity or one of many other organizations that help refugees adapt to life in the United States.

Study Abroad Symposium

Each spring, a college or university in Kentucky hosts a Study Abroad Symposium. Previous study abroad participants are invited to present about their experience or research they conducted abroad.

Graduation Stoles

During your final semester at WKU, you will have the opportunity to order a graduation stole with the flag of the country or countries where you studied abroad.


Career Development Opportunities

Career Counseling

The Advising and Career Development Center is a wonderful resource for assistance as you prepare your résumé and cover letters and get ready for job interviews. Call or email to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Career Counselor.

Study Abroad Career Workshops

WKU Global occasionally hosts a career workshop specifically geared toward study abroad alumni. You will receive an email invitation when such an event is scheduled.


Further International Opportunities

Study Abroad Again!

Can’t wait to go abroad again? Consider adding more depth to your résumé through an international internship, research or service learning experience. Access the full catalog of opportunities from the program map on the SAGL homepage to explore other opportunities.

Prestigious Scholarships for Recent Graduates

Interested in having an international experience after graduation? The Office of Scholar Development can advise you on nationally competitive opportunities pertinent to your area of interest including teaching abroad, conducting research or attending graduate school abroad… all fully funded!

Free International Opportunities

Get paid to teach or work abroad through organizations such as Princeton in Asia, JET, EPIK, Peace Corps, or UN Volunteers. There are also numerous volunteer opportunities through www.idealist.org

 Last Modified 9/24/24