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Study Abroad Calendar

PCAL Internationalization Symposium
  • Date: Friday, March 22nd, 20132013-03-22
  • Time: 8:30am - 5:15pm
  • Location: Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center (FAC)Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center (FAC)

Schedule of Events:

8:30-9:45AM: Plenary Session, FAC Recital Hall

10:00-11:15AM:  New Perspectives on Latin America, FAC 146

10:00-11:15AM:  International Politics, FAC 156

Break for Lunch:  11:15AM-1:00PM

1:00-2:15PM:  World Cinema, FAC 156

1:00-2:15PM:  Crossing Boundaries: Communication and Diversity, FAC 149

2:30-3:45PM:  Global Theater Pecha Kucha Session!  FAC 156

4:15-5:15PM:  Keynote Address, Grise Auditorium (light refreshments to follow-- Alfredo Jaar, It Is Difficult

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 Last Modified 11/14/18