Facebook Pixel Photo Contest | Western Kentucky University

Study Abroad Photo Contest

Every semester, WKU Global invites study abroad returnees to submit their best photos and videos to the Study Abroad Media Contests.

Spring 2020 Deadline February 26, 2020   


Students who study abroad in Fall 2019 or Winter 2020 are eligible to submit photos for the Spring 2020 Contest.

Prizes and the Process

  • You can submit multiple photos if you would like to do so! Simply complete this quick form for each photo so that we have all of the information we need to enter your photos into the contest. 
  • There will be three winners, one from each category. Each winner will receive a gift card.
  • Initial voting for the Photo contest will be done within the WKU Global office to determine finalists.
  • Voting for the winners will take place on the WKU Global Facebook page during October for the Fall contest and during March for the Spring contest.
  • The winning media pieces will be featured on WKU Global social media outlets and website and may be hung in the Honors College and International Center "Adventures of the Red Towel" photo wall.

Image Requirements

  1. Photos must have been taken during the student's study abroad program by the student submitting the photo unless he or she is featured in the photo (Obtain permission from the photographer).
  2. Photos must be at least 1MB (more than 1,000KB) in size.
  3. Photos must meet the standards of the student code of conduct. Photos may not feature prohibited activities, drugs, alcohol, violence, nudity, etc.

Selection Criteria**:

  • Image quality: Images should be high resolution, in focus, with good composition, etc.
  • Quality of the caption provided
  • Suitability for use in WKU Global marketing materials: features positive aspects of the student's experience, interactions between people, cultural and educational engagement, red towel photos, etc.

**Submitted materials which do not meet this criteria will be disqualified from the contest but may be considered for use in WKU promotional materials.

Photo Contest Hall of Fame 

Fall 2019 New Horizons Winne (Kennedy Logsdon, Iceland)

Fall 2019 New Horizons Winner (Kennedy Logsdon, Iceland)

Fall 2019 Hilltoppers Abroad Winner (Zena Pare, Semester at Sea: China)Fall 2019 Hilltoppers Abroad Winner (Zena Pare, Semester at Sea: China)

Spring 2019 Global Learning Winner (Madeline Mariata, Wales)

Spring 2019 Global Learning Winner (Madeline Marita, Wales)

 Last Modified 6/28/24