Program Provider Scholarships
Many study abroad providers and consortia offer scholarships and grants on a competitive basis to students participating in their programs.
Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA)
Awards of up to $1,000 through the CCSA Traveler and CCSA Storyteller Scholarships.
Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS)
KIIS awards more than $80,000 in student scholarships annually, including program scholarships varying from $300 to $750, $100 apply early scholarships, $1,000 diversity and inclusion scholarships, a need-based summer scholarship of $4,000, and more.
American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)
Offers numerous scholarship and grant opportunities, including scholarships for underrepresented groups in study abroad.
Academic Programs International (API)
Maximum of $1,000 toward summer programs and $2,000 toward semester/academic year programs
Offers various scholarship and grant opportunities.
Awards $300,000 in student scholarships annually.
Offers various scholarship and grant opportunities.
Council On International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
Offers various scholarship and grant opportunities.
Offers various scholarship and grant opportunities, including scholarships for underrepresented groups in study abroad.
Need- and merit-based grants available.
WKU students participating on a Semester at Sea program are eligible to apply for a special award. Semester at Sea offers a number of scholarships and work study opportunities.
USAC awards approximately $1.5 million in scholarships and discounts annually.