Academic Transfer Plans
KCTCS academic transfer plans have been created for the convenience of students who have earned an associate degree and are
interested in taking their degree to the next level at WKU. If you would like a customized
academic transfer plan for a program not listed here, please contact the Transfer Center. For a complete list of WKU programs, please view our majors and minors. You may also see how your credits will transfer by exploring our transfer credit articulation page.
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Academic Program |
Business Data Analytics, BA An accounting major can lead to a successful career in many different areas of accounting and business. From the smallest start-up company to large international companies and governmental agencies, every organization requires the skills of accountants. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Agriculture, BS The major in agriculture (508) consists of several concentrations allowing students to specialize in areas of interest such as agronomy, agribusiness, agricultural education, agricultural systems, animal science, dairy science, horticulture, horse science, and turf and golf course management. |
Business Data Analytics, BA The field of business data analytics explores the interplays between technology, business, and society. Business data analytics utilizes information management tools for the processing, management, and analysis of data that relates to business. Graduates in Business Data Analytics serve as a bridge between the builders and users of technology and global innovations. |
Child & Family Servies, Child Development, BS The concentration in Child Development requires a minimum of 63 hours in consumer and family sciences and related courses. Students must complete 48 hours in the concentration core as well as pick an elective group (Child Development or Family Development) and complete the 15 hours required for that elective group. A grade of “C” or above must be earned in the courses required for this concentration. |
Child & Family Servies, Family Development, BS The concentration in Family Development requires a minimum of 54 hours in consumer and family sciences, and 28 hours in professional education for a total of 82 hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. A grade of “C” or above must be earned in the courses required for this major. |
Civil Engineering, BS The civil engineering program at WKU focuses on construction, geotechnical engineering, construction materials, structures, surveying, and hydrology. The mission of the civil engineering program is to prepare students for professional engineering and management positions in all phases of civil engineering projects. The program provides a broad educational background with a foundation in basic engineering and business principles. These basic skills are complemented by advanced topics in engineering design, management, finance, computer applications, and real world civil engineering experiences throughout the baccalaureate degree program. The teaching philosophy of this program focuses on project-based learning. This is achieved by placing competent, practicing engineers in the classroom as professors, engaging students in the practice of civil engineering through hands-on class projects, and involving students in faculty consulting and applied research activities. Real engineering projects often serve as class projects. Project sites and professional engineering and construction management firm offices often serve as classrooms. |
Computer Information Technology, BS The online Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Technology degree helps students earn the credentials needed to build a strong foundation in the computer information technology industry. Information technology (IT) is an integral part of modern life and business. The Computer Information Technology program at WKU can help you prepare for many of these exciting careers, including: Computer Network Architect, Computer Programmer, Computer Support Specialist, Computer Systems Analyst, Database Administrator, Information Security Analyst, Network and Computer Systems Administrator, Software Developer, and Web Developer. |
Computer Science, BS Computer Science is the science that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the design of computer hardware and software, and the applications of computers. WKU's CS program is special for its small class sizes and emphasis on applied research opportunities. CS at WKU also gives three different paths to take part in which are listed on the right. |
Criminology, BA As sociologists, criminologists study factors such as when and where crimes are most often committed, the reasons for criminal behavior, and the types of crimes most often committed. They may also research crime's effect on society at large, and the government's response to crime. Many graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Criminology degree work in law enforcement, the prison system, juvenile corrections, probation or parole, or use the bachelor’s degree to prepare for graduate or law school. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Economics, BA The major in Economics requires 35 hours and leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students in this major are required to pursue a second major or a minor. |
Electrical Engineering, BS Electrical engineering touches virtually every aspect of life in the twenty-first century. Electrical engineers are experts in dealing with electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics. The electrical engineering major prepares students to work in many areas such as communications and signal processing, electrical power systems, embedded systems, robotics, biomedical applications, automotive systems, and manufacturing. The mission of our Electrical Engineering Program at WKU is to build a foundation of knowledge in electrical engineering by integrating a variety of project experiences at every level throughout the curriculum. Our program is to be relevant to our region and to produce graduates who can immediately contribute to the profitability of their employer. Our electrical engineering curriculum exposes students to a variety of topics to prepare them for careers as engineers. |
Elementary Education, BS The Elementary Education undergraduate program at WKU leads to the Bachelor of Science degree and the Kentucky Elementary Certificate (P-5). Elementary Education is a Program Area in the School of Teacher Education in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences. All teacher certification programs are accredited by Kentucky's Education Professional Standards Board and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and require completion of at least 200 hours of field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings. Teacher candidates are provided opportunities to serve as reflective decision makers in instructional settings of diverse learners in both upper and lower grade levels in elementary classrooms in the local school systems. |
Elementary Education (SKYCTC - WKU), BS SKYCTC to WKU Option The Elementary Education undergraduate program at WKU leads to the Bachelor of Science degree and the Kentucky Elementary Certificate (P-5). Elementary Education is a Program Area in the School of Teacher Education in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences. All teacher certification programs are accredited by Kentucky's Education Professional Standards Board and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and require completion of at least 200 hours of field experiences in appropriate off-campus settings. Teacher candidates are provided opportunities to serve as reflective decision makers in instructional settings of diverse learners in both upper and lower grade levels in elementary classrooms in the local school systems. |
Engineering Technology Management, BS The Engineering Technology Management program is a capstone program that provides a two-year management emphasis for those working toward a supervisory position in industry. Graduates are empowered to obtain a position of leadership in business, industry or workforce development in support of innovation and global competitiveness holding positions such as technology educator, industrial plant manager, and systems manager. |
Exercise Science, BS The Exercise Science major in exercise science provides extensive study and experiences in many areas
including exercise physiology, kinesiology, and biomechanics.
Family & Consumer Sciences - Child Studies Concentration, BS The Bachelor of Science in Family & Consumer Sciences, Child Studies Concentration, is designed to develop understanding of children and their needs. Graduates will be prepared to work in a child-focused environment and work in careers such as: agency director/manager, case management, head start, child advocacy, youth counselor, extension agent, and child welfare. |
Family & Consumer Sciences - Family Studies Concentration, BS The central purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Family & Consumer Sciences, Family Studies Concentration is to prepare graduates who are interested in working in a family-focused environment. The graduates will have a broad knowledge base working with children and families and be prepared to work in child care, community centers, extension services, or family life education. |
Health Care Administration (HCA), BS Health Care Administration, an AUPHA Certified undergraduate program at WKU, is a profession that provides management leadership in one of the nation's largest service industries. The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration (HCA) prepares you for high demand positions in many health care settings: including clinics, consulting firms, health insurance organizations, healthcare associations, hospitals, medical supplies, long-term care facilities, and rehabilitation centers. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Health Sciences, BS The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a health and human sciences related career. Students may select from three concentrations:
Graduates will be prepared to work in careers such as patient navigators, respite
care services, assisted living, home health care, and other health-related professions.
KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Interdisciplinary Studies, BIS The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) is a degree designed for students interested in developing a unique degree plan around a chosen area of emphasis to support professional and personal life goals. Depending on the chosen emphasis, graduates can work in a variety of settings including corporations, government agencies, educational settings, non-profit organizations, and social service and human resource agencies. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Management - Business Administration, BS The Business Administration option of the Bachelor of Science in Management degree provides a broad business perspective for students who eventually wish to be involved in profit or goal management responsibilities. Graduates can expect to start their career with an entry-level position with some organization and move progressively upward through a series of line and/or staff positions. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Management Entrepreneurship, BS The Entrepreneurship concentration allows students to develop the skills needed to start and own a business, to develop or grow an existing company, or to create an entrepreneurial environment within an organization. Entrepreneurial students are not only prepared to run a business, they are trained to innovate within existing organizations to increase productivity and performance. |
Marketing Sales, BS As part of the Center for Professional Selling, one of the few certified centers in the United States, this track prepares students for careers in face-paced and lucrative corporate sales positions. Tremendous networking opportunities are made through engagement with internships, guest speakers and in national sales competitions. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Marketing Social Media, BS Focuses on the strategic use of traditional, digital, and social media platforms to meet Marketing goals. Students have ample opportunity to work with real organizations on social media campaigns, content marketing, SEO, analytics, website design and more. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Marketing, Strategic Marketing, BS The Strategic Marketing concentration develops critical thinking skills necessary to build strategy based on market knowledge. Areas of study include strategic planning; segmentation and target marketing; consumer behavior; marketing research; product, promotion, pricing, and distribution decisions; services marketing; and international marketing. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Mechanical Engineering, BS Mechanical engineers are involved in designing and building almost everything that is needed in our modern world, from nearly invisible electro-mechanical devices to enormous power generating and distribution systems producing millions of horsepower. Mechanical engineers use scientific principles from the physical world to create a tremendous variety of mechanical and thermal systems. Mechanical engineers need a solid understanding of engineering science, which includes mechanics, engineering materials, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. The program at WKU focuses on these sciences as well as design and professional skills necessary for a successful career in mechanical engineering. Our graduates have a strong competitive advantage with their unique background of engineering fundamentals combined with practical knowledge and experience. The mechanical engineering program provides a project-based, learner-driven environment relevant to the needs of modern society. In support of this learning environment, the professional engineering activities of the faculty create opportunities for the students to practice the art and science of contemporary Mechanical Engineering. |
Middle Grades Education, BS This program leads to the Bachelor of Science degree and the Kentucky Provisional Middle Grades Education (grades 5-9) certificate for teaching English/Language Arts and/or Social Studies. |
Nursing, BS The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program provides training in areas such as communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills, all of which are becoming more important as nursing practice becomes more complex. Supervised clinical experience is provided in the hospital departments such as pediatrics, psychiatric, maternity, and surgery. In addition to the hospital setting, our students receive clinical experience in nursing homes, schools and health departments, all leading to a broader knowledge based student nurse. |
Organizational Leadership, BS The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership provides an academic foundation for the professional and career-focused study of leadership principles and skills. The combination of leadership, management, and global and social-cultural perspectives provides graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective leadership at various levels and in a variety of occupational settings such as business, government, non-profit organizations, healthcare, and service industries. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Paralegal Studies, BA The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Paralegal Studies is approved by the American Bar Association and provides paralegals with a well-rounded, balanced education founded on a beneficial mix of general education, theory, ethics and procedure stressing understanding and reasoning rather than rote learning of facts. Paralegals, also called legal assistants, work in a wide range of professional settings and are an integral part of the legal team. Under the direct supervision of attorneys, paralegals perform legal research, legal writing, litigation management & support, and legal technology support. |
Psychological Science, BS The Bachelor of Science degree in Psychological Science provides excellent training for the kinds of skills that employers and graduate schools seek, especially skills like critical thinking, understanding behavior, working effectively in diverse organizations, and using and interpreting data. |
Psychology, BA The Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology is a great program for those interested in helping others and who want to understand why people behave the way they do. This program is suitable for those interested in pursuing specific career paths in psychology, including clinical, counseling, and school as well as other related applied areas of psychology like forensic and sport psychology. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Public Health, BS The Bachelor of Science in Public Health prepares students to use their skills in a variety of government agencies, hospitals and other facilities of the health care system, community mental health agencies, employee health programs in business and industry, student health services on college campuses, and many non-profit health agencies and communities. |
Social Work, BSW Fall start only. Learn how to apply here. Social work is a rewarding and challenging field for people who are interested in making a difference in the lives of people and their communities. As professionals, social workers are concerned with the issues that affect our population and generate our current social issues and challenges, some of which are quite controversial. Social workers must be willing to confront these challenges and work towards changing them. To do this, social workers become involved with individuals and families, groups and organizations, and even entire communities as their clients. Social workers must also be flexible enough to work with people of many ages, backgrounds, and cultures. |
Sociology, BA The Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is designed to further awareness and understanding of social life including the social causes and consequences of human behavior in groups, organizations, societies, and various cultures. Students may select from four concentrations or they may choose the general major. Completion provides a broad background for students pursuing a variety of careers by helping them develop valuable skills useful for research, human services, government, business and industry, and non-profit sectors. KCTCS Academic Transfer Plan: AA |
Sport Management, BS The Bachelor of Science in Sport Management is a program that prepares students for successful careers in the sport industry. Students will complete the WKU required colonnade courses with some required prerequisites for the application into the degree program. The primary objective of the major in Sport Management is to provide students with a broad-based education in Sport Management. |
Workforce Administration (WFA), BS Workforce Administration (WFA) is a professional bachelors degree program developed for Community/Technical College graduates, adult learners, and career-focused students. WFA compliments your prior coursework and prepares you for supervisory and managerial responsibilities in a variety of industries. |