Pre-Chiropractic Application Process
Start Now!
- ADVISING | Meet with a pre-health advisor ASAP to map out your plan toward chiropractic school
admission. Plan to meet with your pre-health advisor consistently throughout your journey.
- For more information about advising, see our Frequently Asked Questions page.
- RESEARCH | Determine which chiropractic schools you are interested in. A good place to start is the ACA or ACCwebsites, where you can find information on several chiropractic programs and their timelines.
- PREREQUISITES | Research each school to understand and begin work as soon as possible on their application
requirements including courses, GPA, shadowing, patient care, etc.
- It may be a good idea to bookmark the admissions page for each school you are interested in applying to.
- Don't be afraid to reach out to your schools of interest and ask for clarification of their requirements if you have questions.
- TIMELINE | Know the application start date and deadlines for each school you are interested
in. Application cycles for chiropractic programs can vary, and there is currently no centralized
application system for chiropractic school.
- You will apply directly to your schools of interest usually via an online form housed on their website.
- Application deadlines vary, and some schools have early decision deadlines or conduct rolling admissions policies. Please plan accordingly and do not wait until the application deadline. It is recommended to apply to chiropractic school at least a year prior to when you'd like to begin a chiropractic program.
- PATHWAYS | While some chiropractic schools have pathways for admission after earning only 90 credit hours, most require or strongly recommend earning your bachelor's degree first.
- EXPERIENCE | Most schools do not require you to shadow a chiropractor before applying, but you should demonstrate
that you are familiar with chiropractic in some capacity, whether you were a patient
or had an internship. It is important to have experience observing the career to be
sure it is a field you will feel comfortable in.
- Having shadowing experience can also help you develop a meaningful relationship with a chiropractor who may be able to write a letter of recommendation for you.
- INVOLVEMENT | Be involved in meaningful activities such as research, community service, work,
and extracurriculars that are meaningful and unique. Well-rounded applicants are more
- Consider being involved in regular community service. Admissions committees like to see a committment to a specific cause or organization.
- Quality is usually better than quantity. Taking on leadership positions and heading initiatives for one organization means more than being somewhat involved in many different clubs and organizations.
- RECOMMENDATIONS | Determine what types and how many references your schools of interest prefer and begin early building relationships with potential letter writers.
- GRE | Most chiropractic schools do not require applicants to take any entrance exams, including
the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) Test, but it is important to check with each
institution you plan to apply to.
- If they do require the GRE, be sure to begin studying at least 3 months prior to attempting the test. Register 60-90 days prior to taking it and take it at least 6-8 weeks prior to application start date.
- It is highly recommended that you register for a test date and site as early as possible because prime test dates and sites will fill up quickly. Be sure to plan ahead!
- PERSONAL STATEMENT | Start to write your personal essay months prior to the application in a word document.
Be sure to edit it carefully and have peers and faculty review and critique as well.
- The AHEC office offers free personal statement review.
- You can also utilize the WKU Writing Center.
- TRANSCRIPT | You will usually be asked to submit your official transcripts directly to the colleges
you apply to. Some schools allow you to apply with an unofficial transcript and only
require the official once you are admitted.
- You can send your transcripts electronically (recommended) or directly by mail from the Registrar's Office. View more information about how to send transcripts here.
- SUBMIT APPLICATION | Get all material ready a month prior to the application open date, fill it out,
double/triple check for errors, and then submit!
- Plan to apply early in the application cycle, as some programs may have early decision deadlines and/or conduct rolling admissions policies.
- INTERVIEW | If chosen, some schools may ask you to come to campus for an interview (any costs
for travel is paid by the applicant). While a good sign, an interview does not guarantee
acceptance. The interview allows the school to see the person behind the application
and how you handle interpersonal situations. It is a last chance to sell your qualifications.
- To prepare, it’s a good idea to read the chiropractic school’s mission and values so you can explain why you’re applying to this particular program. Questions you may be asked include why you want to become a chiropractor, what your aspirations are after earning your Doctor of Chiropractic degree, and how you handle a rigorous curriculum.
- It’s also a good idea to have some questions prepared for the interviewer(s). Questions you can ask include: How do you see your program evolving over the next 5 years? What sets your school apart from others? What allows students to succeed in your program?