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Summer Programs

During the summer, students are encouraged to contact health care professionals directly to obtain shadowing experience. Also worth considering, depending on your interests, are the many summer opportunities in health related fields.  Please know this is not a comprehensive list and we encourage you to explore further. 

Rural Health Scholars Program - any pre-health

University of Louisville Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) - pre-medicine, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy

Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) Other Site Locations - options including pre-dental, pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy, pre-PT, pre-optometry

University of Kentucky PEPP Medical/Dental School Preparation Programs - pre-medicine, pre-dental

KY INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Program


College Rural Scholar Program 

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Summer Clinical Internship Program


University of Cincinnati Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Clinical Research Internship Program


Ohio University Summer Scholars

Ohio University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)


Vet Up! College Program


Berkeley Optometry Opto-Camp


For more lists of summer opportunities, please visit these links:

AAMC 'Plan to Make the Most of Your Summer' (MD)

AACOM Fellowships & Internships (DO)

Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 2/21/25