Pre-Chiropractic Toolbox
What Do Chiropractors Do?
Chiropractors are primary care professionals and can play a vital, life-changing role. Chiropractors uses a wide variety of techniques and approaches to relieve pain, increase mobility and optimize performance through safe and effective spinal adjustments and manipulation. Doctors of chiropractic are known for healing with a human touch.
What Are Chiropractic Schools Looking For?
For a better understanding of what chiropractic schools are looking for from their applicants, view Admission Factors.
Admissions Test
Most chiropractic schools do not require applicants to take any entrance exams, including the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) Test, but it is important to check with each institution you plan to apply to.
Get Involved!
In addition to gaining patient care and shadowing hours, being involved on campus is a great way to prepare for chiropractic school. Consider joining Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), National Health Preprofessional Honor Society.
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