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About Us


WKU Student Legal Education Center is a cooperative effort between WKU, the Political Science Department, SGA, external sponsors, and student volunteers. Our office provides legal resources and educational materials for WKU students. SLEC consists of a Clinic Director, who acts as our attorney volunteer; a Clinic Coordinator; and a student intern. 


Services Provided

WKU Student Legal Education Center provides WKU students with easy access to accurate legal information, including resources on legal issues, legal rights, and where to seek legal representation if needed. WKU SLEC also works to encourage WKU students to learn about the law, and provides educational opportunities to the WKU campus and the Bowling Green community.  


Mission Statement

It is the mission of WKU SLEC to improve student academic performance and quality of student life by educating students on their legal rights and responsibilities. SLEC makes accurate legal information easy to access and easy to understand. 



WKU Student Legal Education Center has been serving WKU students since 2015. WKU SLEC is a nonprofit legal education center that provides legal resources and educational opportunities to WKU students. Our primary goal is to assist students in understanding legal problems that may be adversely affecting their well-being or otherwise interfering with their academic studies or goals, and help guide them in the right direction to handle their legal issue. WKU SLEC makes legal information easily accessible and easy to understand. 


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WKU Talisman 

 Last Modified 11/29/23