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The WKU Writing Center

WKU Writing Center

The Writing Center offers individual conferences about writing with our staff of English majors and graduate students. Our services are free and available to all Western Kentucky University students.

Spring Semester Hours

We're here to help with your writing - in person in Cherry Hall or Cravens— or online (via Zoom or email)

Cherry Hall 123:
Monday - Friday 10 am – 4 pm

Cravens Library (at the reference desk near circulation):
Sunday - Thursday  5 pm to 9 pm

To schedule an in-person appointment at our Cherry Hall 123 location (weekdays 10-4) or Cravens Library (evenings), or via Zoom use: 


To schedule an appointment for email feedback, please send your paper as an attachment to our email address (writingcenter@wku.edu) along with—

  • a description of your assignment 
  • the three or so issues you most need feedback about 
  • the due date of your paper
  • the time and date by which you would like to receive email feedback 

What We Do 

Writers need feedback from readers to help refine their writing. The Writing Center can give you this feedback. Our tutors will talk with you about your writing to help you:

  • brainstorm ideas

  • clarify main points

  • strengthen logic and support

  • smooth out organization

  • integrate sources and credit them properly

  • fine-tune sentence style

  • learn to proofread

Because we want to help you become a better writer, we won't edit or proofread your paper for you. We will help you learn to revise and edit so you will be better able to catch your own errors and improve your own content, organization, and style.

Contact Us



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Writing Center Tutoring

The Writing Center offers helpful feedback on any kind of writing by working with students to help them improve themselves and become better writers.

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 Last Modified 1/28/25