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Gatton Academy General Absence Form

*This is for Gatton Academy Students Only*

As a current Gatton student, you are responsible for reporting absences to the class’s faculty member and Gatton staff as soon as possible. Students are always responsible for contacting the instructor to get any materials or assignments missed in class, even if there are important circumstances that prevent a student from attending. Please complete this form if you acquire an absence or are planning to miss class. This form will only notify Gatton staff of your current or future absence(s). You will need to notify your instructor(s) separately.

*To excuse health-related absences, you must provide/submit a doctor's note to your Gatton Student Success Coordinator via gatton.academics@wku.edu, within 48 hours of the absence.

What is the nature of your absence you are reporting?

Please describe the event/activity that you are requesting an absence for.

Do you need a letter provided to verify your absence for your professor?


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 Last Modified 1/28/25