STEM + Critical Languages
STEM + Chinese | STEM + Russian
Critical languages are those recognized by the U.S. Department of State as being not commonly taught in the USA, but of vital importance for national economic and security interests. The Gatton Academy strives to prepare each of our students with a strong science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) background, fields that themselves are in high demand and vital to economic development. By coupling STEM study with a critical language, we believe that we can educate a generation of students to accelerate towards internationally-connected careers that will enliven the Kentucky and American economies.
The Gatton Academy first introduced its STEM + Chinese track in 2012, followed by STEM + Arabic in 2013, and STEM + Russian in 2017. STEM + Arabic was discontinued in 2023.
Each language track works so that STEM + students take the same Gatton Academy STEM curriculum, but supplement their curriculum with one, progressively more-rigorous language course each semester. They complete the two-year Gatton Academy program with at least four levels of collegiate-level critical language study accomplished.
While the emphasis of STEM + Critical Language students' curriculum remains within the same STEM-areas the Gatton Academy requires for all students, STEM + students are offered leeway on only needing one STEM elective (rather than the usual three). The third and fourth level language courses replace the other two STEM electives. STEM + Critical Language students may start a research project in January of their first year, though completion of the STEM + track itself substitutes research and research outcome requirements to be named a Gatton Community Scholar at the time of graduation.
For students in the STEM + tracks, the Academy encourages applications to the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) scholarship program for summer experiential learning. Other study abroad opportunities are also encouraged.
Gatton Academy NSLI-Y Recipients:
Victoria Allen (2011) - China
Brandon Kerr (2011) - China
Charlotte Humes (2011) - Jordan
Paul Fleischmann (2012) - Morocco
Grace Babbs (2013) - Morocco
Sarah Angelle (2014) - China
Ananya Sharma (2014) - India
Meredith Bickett (2015) - Morocco
India Blasser (2015) - Moldova
Sam Booth (2015) - South Korea
Rena Ryumae (2015) - South Korea
Megan Brown (2016) - Morocco
Corey Goodwin (2016) - Moldova
Logan Nofsinger (2016) - China
Emma Saarinen (2016) - Moldova
Alexander Banaszak (2017) - China
David Ewing (2017) - China
Noemi Leibman (2017) - Estonia
Benjamin Luckett (2017) - China
Evan “Van” Poole (2017) - China
Sarah Beth Sarver (2017) - Morocco
Mattie Allara (2018) - Moldova
Jonathan Bramley (2018)- Estonia
Lillian Hamm (2018) - China
Sarah Yaacoub (2018) - Jordan
Tristan Clement (2019) - Moldova
Bailey Knight (2019) - China
Lea Mitchell (2019) - China
Sarah Pedersen (2019) - Taiwan
Zane Polley (2019) - Estonia
Emma Poole (2019) - Morocco
Abrar Rahman (2019) - Morocco
Madeline Springate (2019) - Morocco
Ian Storrs (2019) - Moldova
Anna Strunjas (2019) - Russia
Hazel Traw (2019) - Morocco
Cat Appelman (2020) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Michael Givens (2020) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Melanie Grimm (2020) - Korean (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Margot Hare (2020) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Krupa Hegde (2020) - Turkish (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Jada Hunter-Hays (2020) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Sarah Pedersen (2020) - Taiwan, yearlong
Lauren Taylor (2020) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Sasha Taylor (2020) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Janessa Unseld (2020) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Anaya Ali (2021) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Christine Belance (2021) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Morgan Burk (2021) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Sahil Chhabra (2021) - Hindi (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Ty Gordon (2021) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Brooke Haden (2021) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Laura Hanna (2021) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Emma Harris (2021) - Taiwan
Krupa Hegde (2021) - Turkish (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Jada Hunter-Hays (2021) - Taiwan
Elizabeth Mikeworth (2021) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Kharley Redmon (2021) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Seren Semrau (2021) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Emma Stone (2021) - Russian (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Lauren Taylor (2021) - Arabic (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Audrey Thacker (2021) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Satya Vangoor (2021) - Hindi (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Brendan White (2021) - Chinese (made virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Krishna Angal (2022) - Morocco
Anna Crimmins (2022) - Morocco
Gabriel Fortier (2022) - Kyrgyzstan
Emma Harris (2022) – Taiwan, academic year
Hank Helmers (2022) - Chinese (virtual)
Kole Ingram (2022) - Jordan
Holly McClure (2022) - Taiwan
Elizabeth Mikeworth (2022) - Taiwan
Quinn Miller (2022) - Chinese (virtual)
Reagan Phelps (2022) - Estonia
Samirah Salifu (2022) - Morocco
Nathaniel Turlington (2022) - Kazakhstan
Sophie Wielawski (2022) - Kyrgyzstan
Desmond Harris (2023) - Latvia
Mason Harlage (2023) - Estonia
Caden Lucas (2023) - Morocco
Alex Minter (2023) - Jordan
Jayne Thompson (2023) - Taiwan
Zachary Vandermolen (2023) - Taiwan
Liz Burgan (2024) - Kazakhstan
Nolan French (2024) - Taiwan, academic year
Elizabeth Lanier (2024) - Kazakhstan
Elizabeth Parker (2024) - Kazakhstan
Atiana Spivey (2024) - Taiwan
Mabel Vilt (2024) - Kyrgyzstan