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Digital Advertising

The Academic Program Marketing team aims to offer advertising assistance for your academic programs. Utilizing advertising channels like Meta (Facebook and Instagram) or LinkedIn can significantly increase awareness of your programs to a broader audience. Additionally, utilizing Google Search specifically targets individuals who are actively searching for fields of study related to your academic programs. Let us help you maximize the potential of your academic programs with paid digital advertising.

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Social media advertising utilizes social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to deliver paid ads to your target audience. Social media ads are a quick and effective way to connect with potential students or parents and boost awareness of your program offerings. 
Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google where you can bid to display brief advertisements to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos. Google ads are typically more targeted than social media ads. 
Streaming advertising refers to a type of digital marketing that makes use of streaming platforms, such as Pandora, Apple Music, or Spotify. Audio commercials or visual pop ups are the most typical type of streaming ad, and these are best used to promote awareness of your program offerings.


facebook ads examples

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can help you get more visibility and engagement for your Facebook content, and boost traffic to your landing pages or websites. It also allows for targeting of specific demographics, and you have a variety of locations for your ads to live within all of Facebook's platforms. 

Image ads are Facebook's most basic ad format. 

instagram ad example


Instagram Ads

Instagram ads are posts for which you can pay to serve to targeted Instagram users. Similar to Facebook, Instagram ads appear throughout the app, including in users' feeds, Stories, Explore, and more.

Instagram is the most visual social media platform, and it offers a wide variety of ad formats to target your specific audience. 


Google Search Ads


Google Search Ads

Google Search ads allow you to display your website listing at the top of the search results, and drive more traffic to your website.

These are text ads that are displayed among search results on a Google results page.


Mockup of a WKU LinkedIn ad

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn ads are visual-based ads you see while scrolling through your LinkedIn feed. These ads show up like any other photo post, but they include a small line of text to note that it is Promoted.

LinkedIn ads are used to target graduate and doctoral students.

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 Last Modified 7/2/24