For tuition and fees to be paid in-full, or in-part, by a third-party after the stated due date, a written authorization must be submitted to the Office of Student Billing and approved before the published due date. If a written authorization is not received and/or approved, the student will be required to make full payment by the published due date.
Third-party sponsorship cannot be contingent on completion of courses or grades received.
Most third-party billing is processed in the Office of Student Billing. However, some accounts are processed in Student Financial Assistance. To determine who you need to contact, please refer below:
Office of Student Billing - Brookie Henry (270) 745-6277
General Motors Company
Ford Motor Company
Various other Employer Tuition Assistance Programs
Prepaid Tuition Programs: KAPT, PACT, Florida Prepaid, etc.
Student Financial Assistance - (270) 745-2755
Military -
Vocational Rehabilitation -
Outside scholarships - Susan Fitzpatrick
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