Facebook Pixel Center for Energy Systems | Western Kentucky University
Engaging students in applied and interdisciplinary research through real-world industry funded projects.

How do we work?

Partnership for Impact

Our proposed solutions are impactful to your business as we listen to you for the end-user needs and system requirements.

             Simple Solutions

Our design philosophy is simplicity. We believe that simple solutions are the most practical, robust, and reliable solutions.

Scalable Solutions

We continuously engage with stakeholders throughout the process to further refine the problem statement and provide technology solutions which are parametric and scalable across various product models.

        First-of-a-Kind Solutions

Our proposed solutions are truly "first-of-a-kind" as they are highly customized to your unique needs.

IP (Intellectual Property) Ownership

You can own the resulting IP from the sponsored projects with some up-front payment to the university.


How We're Different

What We Do Well

Why Join Us 

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Over $2,000,000 of Industrial Funding since 2015
Industry Funded
Years of Industrial Experience Show
Undergraduate Research Assistants
 Last Modified 4/4/22