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Undergraduate Chemistry Plans of Study

These plans are designed to show how a chemistry or biochemistry major (often with a minor or second major) can be accomplished in 8 semesters while remaining at or near the 120-hour minimum. While every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and feasibility of these plans, check with your adviser before registering for classes.

If you are interested in other plans of study that include a chemistry or biochemistry major, e-mail the department chair.

Chemistry-Oriented Plans

The following plans of study are for those interested in Chemistry or Biochemistry as a field.

ACS-Certified Chemistry Major

  • More rigorous.
  • No minor or second major required.
  • Recommended for those interested in research or graduate study.

Foundations Chemistry Major

No Specific Minor Shown in Plan (Minor Required)

  • Minor required.

Biophysics Minor

  • Minor required.

Biology Minor

  • Minor required.

Biochemistry Major

  • No minor or second major required.

Biochemistry Major with ACS Certification in Chemistry 

  • No minor or second major required.
  • Recommended for those planning doctoral work.

Pre-Health Professional Plans

The following plans of study include pre-health professional requirements. Please check with the appropriate pre-health professional advisor, as these plans may not apply to all schools.

Common Majors for Pre-Pharmacy Students*

*Note: The chemistry major/biophysics minor with pre-pharmacy requirements puts almost all non-elective courses in the first 3 years. This schedule does not have to be followed for students planning on remaining at WKU for 4 years. Some pre-pharmacy students leave after 3 years and can transfer back credits to complete the degree within the first 2 years of pharmacy school. Courses for which credit can be transferred back are indicated in italics. See a pre-pharmacy adviser for more details.

Foundations Chemistry Major with Biophysics Minor

  • Requires minor or second major.
    • Biophysics Minor Recommended for Pre-Pharmacy

Foundations Chemistry Major with Biology Minor

  • Requires minor or second major.
    • Biology Minor Recommended for Pre-Medicine

Common Majors for Pre-Medical Students

Biochemistry Major

  • No minor or second major required.

General Chemistry/Biology Double Major

  • Requires minor or second major.
    • Biology Second Major or Minor Recommended for Pre-Medicine

Foundations Chemistry Major with Biology Minor

  • Requires minor or second major.
    • Biology Second Major or Minor Recommended for Pre-Medicine

Common Majors for Pre-Veterinary Students

Biochemistry Major

  • No minor or second major required.

Joint Undergraduate-Master's Program (JUMP) 5-Year Plans

Students have the opportunity to earn both an ACS-Certified Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Master of Science in Chemistry simultaneously. Interested candidates may apply once they have completed 90 undergraduate credit hours. This Integrated Master's/Bachelor's program is an exciting opportunity for academically exceptional students. Participants in the Joint BS/MS program will be admitted to Graduate Studies and Research at the start of the semester in which they fulfill the credit hour requirements for their undergraduate chemistry degree. For more information about JUMP, please contact Dr. Bangbo Yan.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (ACS-Certified)/Master of Science in Chemistry

  • No minor or second major required.

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (ACS-Certified)/Master of Science in Chemistry

  • Focuses on Biochemistry graduate work.
  • No minor or second major required.

High School Teacher Plan

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Teacher Certification Concentration) with Second Major in Science and Math Education

  • Requires second major in Science and Math Education.

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 Last Modified 9/27/24