The Raymond B. Preston Health & Activities Center
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Preston Center Policies & Guidelines
The Raymond B. Preston Health & Activities Center offers a wide variety of facilities and services dedicated to promoting health, fitness, and FUN!
As a member of the Preston Center, you will have access to our fitness facilities, open recreation area's, group fitness classes, indoor walking track, pool, and locker rooms.
Preston Center Policies
- Children 13 years & under are not allowed into the Fitness Center.
- Personal items, including any type of bags, jackets, and purses are not allowed in the FC. Lockers are provided outside of the FC, in the lobby area and in the locker rooms for your convenience. Keys for lockers are available at the Preston Center control desk for check out. Do not leave your belongings in the locker overnight. All lockers will be cleaned out daily at 10:30pm.
- Clothing that fully covers the torso and mid section (sports bras should be worn underneath shirts)
- Appropriate gym footwear must be worn at all times (no sandals, flip flops, croc style shoes or bare feet)
- No jeans, cargo pants or cut-off shorts are allowed
- No open beverage containers, food, gum, or tobacco products allowed. Sealed top water bottles are allowed.
- Talking on a cell phone is strictly prohibited in the Fitness Center. Text messaging is prohibited while using cardiovascular machines.
- Profanity, excessive loud and suggestive language, and sexual harassment are prohibited. Western Kentucky University is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free from sexual harassment and it is the policy of this University that sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated.
- Please be courteous to others in the FC at all times. Share equipment and allow others to set in.
- Report any injury immediately to the FC attendant.
- Report any equipment problem immediately to the FC attendant.
- Clean machines after each use by spraying solution on towel and wiping down equipment. (Please do not spray solution directly on machine. Do not wipe down the LCD display on the cardiovascular machine!)
- Ask FC attendant for assistance or demonstrations.
- No outside personal training is permitted in the FC or Preston Center. Personal training can be arranged through the Health & Fitness Lab.
- Preston Center is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Any lost and found items will be held at the Preston Center for one semester. After this time all items will be donated to charity.
- Safety clips are mandatory while on treadmills.
- When FC is crowded, please limit your time on the cardiovascular machines to 30 minutes.
- Collars are mandatory in free weight area.
- Please, do not monopolize more than one piece of equipment/barbell/set of dumbbell.
- Slamming, dropping or bouncing weights (machines or free weights) is prohibited.
- The use of a spotter is highly recommended.
- Return all plates, bars, dumbbells, and accessories after use.
- Do not remove any equipment from FC including free weights, plates, stability/medicine balls or cable accessories. Dumbbells should not be removed from free weight area.
- Weight gloves and wrist straps are allowed. The use of chalk is prohibited.
- Be considerate to others – do not sit and socialize on equipment.
- Policy violations will be reviewed by facility staff. Appropriate disciplinary actions, including verbal warning, removal from FC, restricted use of facilities, and loss of membership privileges, will be administered accordingly.
- The gymnasium at the Preston Center is available for open recreation at all times except when it conflicts with academic classes, intramural events, or pre-approved special events. All open recreation courts are available on a first-come first-served basis.
- Individuals conducting themselves in an anti-social manner will be asked to leave the building. This includes, but is not limited to, un-sportsman-like conduct, profanity, and equipment misuse.
- Due to potential slip hazards, beverages are not allowed on the hardwood or synthetic surfaces. This includes liquids in sealed tops. Under no circumstances are glass containers allowed in the Preston Center.
- Any individual who dunks, attempts to dunk, hangs on or breaks down the rims of the basketball goals will be asked to leave the building and must show a Big Red I.D. before leaving the premises. Repeat offenders will be suspended from the facility.
- Non-marking court shoes must be worn when using the gymnasium. No street shoes, boots, or sandals are allowed. No individual will be allowed use of the courts when barefooted.
- Due to danger to other patrons and potential damage to the building, some unorganized activities are prohibited. Examples are, but not limited to, soccer, baseball, roller hockey, lacrosse, rugby, and football. The equipment associated with these activities is prohibited.
- Due to the high number of activities during weekdays, tennis and badminton nets will only be available from Friday afternoon until Monday morning each week. Badminton equipment (racquets, shuttlecocks, etc. are not available for checkout).
- Policy violations will be reviewed by facility staff. Appropriate disciplinary actions, including verbal warning, removal from FC, restricted use of facilities, and loss of membership privileges, will be administered accordingly.
- All members must enter and exit the natatorium from the locker rooms only. No one is to enter or exit through the emergency exit doors or glass doors leading to the gymnasium.
- Admission is refused to all persons having any contagious disease(s), open wounds, or any other infectious condition or illness, and those under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or exhibiting erratic behavior.
- Personal conduct within the facility shall assure that the safety of self and others is not jeopardized. No running and no boisterous or rough play (except supervised water sports) are permitted.
- All swimmers must shower before entering the natatorium.
- No diving in the shallow water.
- Caution shall be exercised in the use of diving boards.
- Hypoxic training is prohibited!
- Animals shall be excluded from the facility area.
- Spitting, spouting of water, blowing the nose, or otherwise introducing contaminants into the facility water is not permitted.
- Glass, soap, or other material which might create hazardous conditions or interfere with efficient operation of the facility shall not be permitted in facility or on deck.
- An adult must accompany children under the age of fourteen. The approved ratio will be one adult for each child. An exception may be allowed for children under the age of fourteen who display the ability to swim without the help of another person or a flotation device, and can successfully complete a swim test (full 25m swim without stopping or using the wall). This policy only applies when the child’s guardian remains in the Preston Center. Under no circumstances are guardians to leave the Preston Center while children under the age of fourteen remain inside the facility. If a child cannot pass the above described swim test, then the parent must be in the pool water with the child. If a question should arise from a user regarding this policy, then contact a facility supervisor on duty.
- No food, drink, gum, tobacco, or personal items allowed in the natatorium.
- Users may bring their towels and leave them on the bleachers. All other items are to be placed in the lockers in the locker rooms.
- Proper swimming attire must be worn at all times; swimsuits or equivalent. Cutoffs and gym shorts are not allowed!
- No street shoes are to be worn on the natatorium deck, unless given permission by the facility supervisor on duty. (Flip flops & sandals are permitted).
- Unsupervised solo bathing shall be strictly prohibited.
Diving Board
Diving boards are normally closed, even during operational times, due to the pool being used primarily by lap swimmers. If the three lanes closest to the the diving boards are not being utilized/do not have rental groups, the lifeguards can move the lane lines and open ONE of the lower boards. This decision is subject to the lifeguards on duty, since they know what times the pool is at its highest use.
- One person on diving board at a time
- Divers may take only bounce on the board
- No flotation devices, masks, goggles or other equipment on the diving boards
- Divers must go off the board forward
- No inward, back, or reverse dives or flips are permitted
- Divers may not adjust fulcrum settings
- No swimmers in the diving area while boards are in use
- No sitting or hanging on the rails
Any person violating these policies will be asked to leave the facility and may face further disciplinary sanctions.
- Dependent children and grandchildren, 18 and under, may obtain a membership under the condition their legal guardian(s) are members of the Preston Center.
- An adult must accompany a dependent child or grandchild who is 14 years of age or under. Children 4 years and under may not be left unattended.
- Free memberships are available for children & grandchildren 4 years of age & under.
- Children 14 years & under are not allowed into the Fitness Center.
- Children 14 years & under must be accompanied by an adult in the Natatorium. All children must pass a swim test to go off of the diving boards.
- Children 14 years & under must be accompanied by an adult on the track.
- Children 14 years & under can not sponsor a guest.
- All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian or have a signed consent form on file in the Campus Recreation & Wellness Office. Consent forms are available in our office or below.
Dance Studio:
- No food or beverages are allowed in the studios, except for water in a closed plastic container.
- Participants are highly encouraged to arrive to class on time. Late arriving participants may be denied entry to any class, at the instructor's discretion, due to the importance of a sufficient warm-up period.
- It is highly recommended that participants stay for the entire class to ensure the proper cool-down phase of class.
- All participants in group fitness classes must be 14 years of age or older.
- Soft-soled, closed-toed athletic shoes are required for all cardiovascular and resistance training classes. Hard-soled, closed-toed athletic shoes or cycling shoes are recommended for all cycling classes. Shoe removal may be appropriate in yoga and pilates classes.
- Personal belongings are not allowed in the fitness studios. Coin return lockers are located on the first floor and daily lockers are available in all locker rooms. The Intramural-Recreational Sports Staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- All accidents, injuries, or equipment irregularities must be reported to the Building Supervisor immediately.
- Towels are recommended for all classes and may be picked up from the front desk.
- Water bottles are highly encouraged for Cycling classes.
- All patrons must comply with staff requests. Instructors have authority over all room conduct and use of equipment. Failure to comply may result in suspension of facility privileges.
- All equipment must remain in the studios and must be returned to its proper location after use. Equipment from other areas may not be brought into the studios. All equipment should be used for the manner for which it is designed.
- To enter a class, participants must wait outside of the of the studio until the instructor allows everyone inside. Please form lines going toward the end of the hallway; participants may not save spaces in line for friends or save equipment.
- Class entry is on a drop-in basis and will be open on a first-come, first-served basis. Class size is limited to 21 participants in Cycling classes, and 75 participants or instructor's discretion in all other classes.
- All Group Fitness classes are free and only require proper access to the facility.
- Intramural-Recreational Sports Department reserves the right to cancel any class on the basis of low attendance or registration.
Yoga Etiquette:
- Please do your best to arrive on time. The breath work at the beginning of class is crucial in allowing us to clear our minds of the daily clutter and prepare mentally for class. The warm-up series is extremely important. Practicing our Yoga Poses when muscles are adequately warm is proven to increase flexibility and greatly lowers the risk of injury.
- If you must arrive after class has begun, (door is closed) please wait for opening meditation to conclude, (when you hear movement) before entering and then do so as quietly as possible.
- Class will be closed to late comers 5 minutes after class has begun. The warm-up is extremely important in order to practice safely and without injury.
- Please turn cell phones OFF, no exceptions. There is no acceptable circumstance for a ringing cell phone during the class. Since we know that our yoga practice is about building stronger minds as well as bodies and learning to tune into our bodies communication, ringing cell phones can be very distracting to other participants.
- If you must leave class before the class is over, please take an early relaxation, which will alert the instructor of your planned early exit.
- Please wipe down borrowed mats after each use with gym wipes provided. This helps to cut down on the spread of germs and is respectful to the next person who uses that mat.
Indoor Cycling:
- Due to limited class size, please be on time to class. The warm-up is an important part of the class and aids in the prevention of injury. Lateness to class is both a safety issue and a distraction to others.
- At the end of class, each participant is required to wipe off the bike seat, handle bars, and frame. Please use the gym wipes provided in the Dance Studio.
- If you are new, pregnant, or have any injuries, please inform the instructor prior to class.
- Remember to always work at your own pace.
Other Helpful Information
The Preston Center is accessible for every individual on campus. All areas of the facility are accessible, including the swimming pool - equipped with an ADA-compliant aquatic lift. All four locker rooms are complete with toilet stalls and showers equipped with shower seats to accommodate disabled patrons. Additionally, the Fitness Center consists if the Total Access Line of ADA-compliant fitness equipment that includes the following:
Total Access Chest Press
Offers a path of motion experienced when training with a barbell but with the safety and convenience of a pin select weight stack. Over head pivots offer excellent biomechanical characteristics and allows clear access to all users. Easily reached adjustment allows a variety of starting positions.
Total Access Lat Pulldown
A great machine for all users who are looking for traditional strength training, big on performance, excellent results. Fully adjustable thigh pads accommodate various users and offers excellent stability. Unique adjustable handle bar adjustment makes this machine a truly inclusive strength training apparatus.
Total Access Cable Column
Multi-function exerciser offering a very wide variety of exercises for all non-disabled and disabled users.
Technogym Top
Top provides superior upper body training by combining shoulder, torso and core muscle strengthening with high calorie expenditure and aerobic activity.
From North on I-65
Take I-65 south to Bowling Green exit #26. Turn right onto KY-234N/Cemetery Rd toward Bowling Green for about 2 miles. Turn left onto Nashville Rd for about 2 miles as well. Stay right onto University Blvd and at the next light take a right onto Normal Dr. Turn left at the first light into the Preston Center/Tate Page Hall parking lot.
From South on I-65
Take I-65 north to Bowling Green exit #20, William H. Natcher Parkway. From the parkway, take exit #6 to US 31W/Nashville Rd. Turn right off the exit ramp toward Bowling Green. Go approximately three miles and enter round-about. Take the third exit onto University Blvd. Take a right at the first light onto Normal Drive. At the next light, turn left into the Preston Center/Tate Page Hall parking lot.
From Louis B. Nunn Parkway
Get onto I-65 South toward Nashville. Take first Bowling Green exit (#28) by Corvette Museum. Take left onto Louisville Road which becomes University Blvd (approximately 5 miles). Continue until you reach Normal Drive. Turn left at the first light into the Preston Center/Tate Page Hall parking lot.
From William H. Natcher Parkway
Take the first Bowling Green exit (exit #9) off the parkway, turning right off the exit ramp toward Bowling Green (Morgantown Road exit). Continue on US 231 until intersecting with US 68/80 (the road stops at a light and you must turn right or left). Turn left onto Russellville Road. At the next light, turn right onto University Blvd. Continue to the second light and turn left onto Normal Drive. At the next light, turn left into the Preston Center/Tate Page Hall parking lot.
Please note: These are directions to the Raymond B. Preston Health & Activities Center. Visitors can park in the metered lot outside of the Preston Center or can park in the Visitor Lot by Diddle Arena.
Preston Center members who are not enrolled as students and are not employed by the university are eligible to purchase a Preston Center-only parking permit ($10 per period) that Will be valid during the following time periods:
- Fall Semester
- Spring Semester
- Summer Semester
* Permits must be purchased at WKU Parking & Transportation
* The permit is $10 per period (no pro-rating or refunds)
Preston Center-only permits are valid in the following locations for the designated time of day and time limit:
- Jones Jaggers, Service Supply, Russellville Road: 7:00am-4:30pm (Max 2 hour time limit)
- Parking meters located on Regents Drive or in front of Diddle Arena: 6:00am-4:30pm (Max 2 hour time limit)
- Mimosa or Regents Pay Lot: 4:30 - 10:00pm (Max 2 hour time limit)
Other Information
* Permit ownership is nontransferable
* Citation may be issued anytime abuses are documented