Memberships at the Preston Center
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Other Membership Types |
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All users must have an ID
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Other Membership Types We Offer
We offer many other memberships at the Preston Center that may not fit into the Student or Faculty/Staff Options. For more information about these memberships, please give us a call at 270.745.6060 or come see us in the Health & Fitness Lab, located on the 1st Floor of the Preston Center in room 20A. Here is a full list of those special options and their rates:
Alumni Memberships
Alumni Association members can sign up for Preston Center membership in the Health & Fitness Lab, 20A, Preston Center.
A current Alumni Association card will be required when signing up for a Preston Center membership. Individuals that are not current Alumni Association members will be referred to the Alumni Relations Office.
The Alumni membership rate is $30 per month. This rate will be paid via monthly billing on the 1st of each month.
Alumni Spouse and Child Options
Spouses of alumni are eligible for membership with their spouse at the same rate of $30 per month also to be paid via monthly billing on the 1st of each month.
* Dependent children and grandchildren (17 years and under) will be:
*15 - 17 years old $10.00 per child per month.
* 14 years old or younger $5.00 per month
* Children/Grandchildren 18+ will fall under the Buddy category.
* An adult member must accompany children under 14 in the facility at all times.
All members must have an ID to enter the building. Only current WKU Faculty/Staff and students may use their WKU 800#'s. All others will be assigned a Preston Only 500#. There is a $10 charge for all new Preston Center ID's. A $20 replacement fee will be charged for all lost Preston Only ID's. This cost is the University standard for replacement ID's.
WKU Alumni Association members with an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate Degree from WKU are eligible for Preston Center membership.
Alumni Preston Center members can utilize the facility during regular operational hours.
Alumni Preston Center members can bring guests to use the facility for a $5 fee per person.
Please Note
All Cancellations must be done in writing.
Please email preston.center@wku.edu or come submit your cancellation in writing to the Health & Fitness Lab. State your name, 800# (or 500#), reason for cancellation.
Buddy Memberships
Only members of the Preston Center may purchase a Buddy Membership for their children/grandchildren (18 and over), a friend, or a significant other.
The fee for this membership is $35 per month. This rate will be paid via monthly billing on the 1st of the month.
*All members must have an ID to enter the building. Only current WKU Faculty/Staff and students may use their WKU 800#'s. All others will be assigned a Preston Only 500#. There is a $10 charge for all new Preston Center ID's. A $20 replacement fee will be charged for all lost Preston Only ID's. This cost is the University standard for replacement ID's.
Please Note
All Cancellations must be done in writing.
Please email preston.center@wku.edu or come submit your cancellation in writing to the Health & Fitness Lab. State your name, 800# (or 500#), reason for cancellation.
Recent Graduate Memberships
* Available for only eight months immediately following graduation
* Proof of graduation date required
* Recent Graduates will be assigned a "Preston Only" 500# number and issued a "Preston Only" ID for $10.
* Membership is $15.00 per month. This rate will be paid via monthly billing on the 1st of each month.
Please Note
All Cancellations must be done in writing.
Please email preston.center@wku.edu or come submit your cancellation in writing to the Health & Fitness Lab. State your name, 800# (or 500#), reason for cancellation.
Cherry Society Memberships
Members of the WKU Cherry Society are eligible for Preston Center membership. For more information on the Cherry Society, please visit the Investing in the Spirit website.
The fee for this membership is $35 per month. This rate will be paid via monthly billing on the 1st of the month.
*All members must have an ID to enter the building. Only current WKU Faculty/Staff and students may use their WKU 800#'s. All others will be assigned a Preston Only 500#. There is a $10 charge for all new Preston Center ID's. A $20 replacement fee will be charged for all lost Preston Only ID's. This cost is the University standard for replacement ID's.
Please Note
All Cancellations must be done in writing.
Please email preston.center@wku.edu or come submit your cancellation in writing to the Health & Fitness Lab. State your name, 800# (or 500#), reason for cancellation.
Preston Member Locker Rentals
- Full-size lockers rent for $11.25 per month plus tax
- "Z" style lockers rent for $6.25 per month plus tax.
Locker Rental Policies
- The locker rental fee will be auto-drafted monthly from the card placed on file at time of purchase (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover).
- The Department of Campus Recreation & Wellness is not responsible for items in the locker during the rental period.
- The Department of Campus Recreation & Wellness issues a lock with each rented locker. Failure to return that lock will result in a $10 replacement charge. Personal locks may not be used.
- The locker rental will continue to be auto-drafted until notified by the member that they would like to discontinue their rental.
- Items left in un-renewed lockers will be confiscated on the first business day after the expiration of the rental period.
- Confiscated items will be kept for four months. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the four-month period. Claims must be made in person to the Preston Center Facility Supervisor on duty, Monday - Friday, between the hours of 8:00am - 6:00pm.
- Advertising or sub-leasing of lockers is prohibited.
- In the event of lost Preston Center privileges, locker space and fees paid will be forfeited. This includes, but is not limited to, facility suspension, invalid ID, membership drop, etc. No refunds or pro-rating are available.
- Locker occupants are responsible for notifying the Department of Campus Recreation & Wellness of any address or telephone changes.
FAQ's about Preston Center Memberships:
Question: Should I choose to take out a membership, am I locked into a year contract?
Answer: “NO”. You can stop and start at anytime month-to-month.
Question: I do not want to join, but my spouse/children do. Will I have to take a membership out in order for them to join?
Answer: No. We have “family only” memberships for WKU Students, Faculty and Staff only.
Question: Where can my spouse/child park when they use the Preston Center?
Answer: Effective 8-15-2009 Preston Center members not employed by the University or a current student can purchase a “Preston Only” parking permit for $10 a semester. This permit must be purchased at Parking and Transportation. Preston Center permits are valid in the following locations for the designated time of day and time limit:
Jones Jaggers, Service Supply, Russellville Road
7:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Maximum 2 hour time limit
Parking Meters located on Regents Drive or in front of Diddle Arena
6:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Maximum 2 hour time limit
Mimosa or Regents Lots
4:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Maximum 2 hour time limit
Question: Are there lockers available?
Answer: Currently, there are both full and Z-style lockers available. We also has several complimentary “day use” lockers throughout the facility.
Question: What are your hours of operation?
Answer: You can check our website www.wku.edu/CRW for daily hours of operation and events.
Question: My son/daughter is 20 but still lives at home; can I include him/her on my membership?
Answer: Yes, but it would be for a “Buddy Rate.”
Question: My child will be starting WKU in the Spring/Fall, will he/she automatically be dropped from my membership?
Answer: No. Our system does not indicate when members’ children become full-time students. It is the responsibility of the member to inform us in writing to make changes to their membership.
Question: Do you have to pay extra to use the pool or go to the Group Fitness classes?
Answer: No. The only extra fees that member’s pay is for specialty services such as racquet rentals; massages; personal training; instructional programs, etc….
Question: Can my partner/fiancé be included on my membership?
Answer: Yes – he/she would pay the same amount as you.
Question: I am a student/spouse of a police officer/alumni/etc… as well an employee; can’t I just take out that category of membership?
Answer: No, employment status overrides all other categories you may fall into.
Question: How do I gain access into the facility?
Answer: All members must have an ID to enter the building. Only current WKU Faculty/Staff and students may use their WKU 800#'s. All others will be assigned a Preston Only 500#. There is a $10 charge for all new Preston Center ID's. A $20 replacement fee will be charged for all lost Preston Only ID's. This cost is the University standard for replacement ID's..
Question: I am a recent graduate and still have my old ID with my 800# on it; can I use that to gain access to the facility?
Answer: No. Only current students and faculty/staff members my use ID’s with 800#’s. If you are not a current student or faculty/staff member, the Campus Recreation & Wellness office will assign you a “Preston Only” member ID #. That number will start with 500.
Question: Can I bring a guest with me?
Answer: Yes, Guest Passes can be purchased for $5 plus tax per visit. You will be responsible for your guest throughout the visit.
Question: What if I don’t want to take out a membership, but would like to work out occasionally?
Answer: Current faculty/staff /part-time students only can purchase a pass for $5 plus tax per visit with their WKU ID.
Question: My son is twelve; can he work out in the Fitness Center or use the Fitness Equipment in the Mezzanine?
Answer: No, the ages for the Fitness Center/Fitness Equipment in the Mezzanine is 14 and older.
Question: My eleven year old daughter would like to hire a personal trainer; can she do that through the Health & Fitness lab?
Answer: No, the age limit for Health & Fitness lab services is 14.
Question: What are the “peak” student times?
Answer: During the Fall and Spring Semester, the peak “student” times are generally from 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Monday – Thursday.