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Pearce-Ford Tower

Pearce-Ford Tower

Another one of the lesser-known ghost stories at WKU is the ghost of Pearce-Ford Tower. The details
are unclear, but the story goes something like this: There was a male resident who never showered on
his floor, opting to to go several floors up (or down, depending on the source).

As the legend goes, one day the towel-clad student emerged from the bathroom and walked to the
elevators. He pushed the button, waited for the doors to open, stepped in . . . and plummeted 20
stories to his death. The elevator had malfunctioned.

They say every year on the day of this death, his wet footprints inexplicitly reappear and make their
ghostly trek to the elevators.

excerpted from Chris Hutchins' article "Thrill on the Hill: Ghosts, Spooks Haunt Western," College
Heights Herald, October 30, 1997.

 Last Modified 9/13/18