Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon House
As the legend goes, the former Sigma Alpha Epsilon house on College Street was once a Civil War hospital. Fraternity brothers have proclaimed that one young soldier -- who has called himself Kevin, via Ouija board -- died in the hospital and is trapped in the house. He was reportedly seen standing on the house's dance floor.
excerpted from Chris Hutchins' article "Thrill on the Hill: Ghosts, Spooks Haunt Western," College Heights Herald, October 30, 1997.
Once during finals week, while the SAE brothers were studying, the answering machine kept coming on even though the phone wasn't ringing. When one brother said, "At least it isn't leaving any messages," the phone rang -- but no one was on the other end.
The most frequently seen ghost has been described as a tall, slender military man in a long overcoat and hat. The SAEs, who asked a Ouija board, say his name is Kevin and his favorite number is seven. Unexplained incidents have happened in room seven. One night, a refrigerator light went out, a light in the room went out, then seconds later the door slammed shut.
In another room of the SAE house, a fan kept turning on. The man who lived there kept getting up and turning it off, but it would just come back on. Thinking his roommate was playing a joke on him, he got up to yell at him and the fan fell off the shelf. His roommate wasn't there.
excerpted from Melissa Gagliardi's article "Greek Goblins," College Heights Herald, Oct. 29. 1992.