Potter Hall
Potter Hall
[Potter Hall] was the home of "Casperella," supposedly the spirit of a woman who hung herself in the late '70s in the building's basement.
Using the trusty Ouija board, Casperella would chat with students. She would say she was an unhappy spirit who occasionally entertained herself by pestering the residents. She would lock and unlock doors, make strange noises in the halls and rattle desk drawers.
excerpted from Chris Hutchins' article "Thrill on the Hill: Ghosts, Spooks Haunt Western," College Heights Herald, October 30, 1997.
According to funeral papers, a distraught female named Theresa Watkins was living in room 7 on the basement floor when she hung herself by a belt from steam heating pipes that draped the ceilings in her dorm on April 21, 1979.
Legend has it that Watkin's spirit, which is rumored to go by the name of "Allison" on a Ouija board, has told her communicators that she loves to move stuff that isn't supposed to move on its own.
excerpted from Lindsay Sainlar's article, "Haunted Hill," College Heights Herald, Oct. 30, 2003.
It is said that even until this day, WKU personnel working on the ground floor of Potter Hall, which houses the Office of Admissions, receive occasional after-hours visits from "Penny," a spirit known to leave pennies in the offices she visits.