Leadership Institute
Leadership Institute
At The Center’s 1996 Symposium on Kentucky’s Children Who Are Gifted and Talented, participants discussed the need for cultivating leadership in gifted youth. Spurred by that discussion, months later The Center held our first Leadership Institute. The Center has now hosted nineteen institutes, bringing in experts from around the country to guide more than 650 teachers, counselors, and administrators in developing leadership skills in young people with an eye towards the educational standards of Kentucky schools.
Presenters have included leadership expert and award-winning author Mariam MacGregor, education coordinator at WKU’s Center for Leadership Excellence John Baker, award-winning author Barbara Lewis, youth motivational speaker Ed Gillis, and Toyota executive Jim Wiseman. Topics have covered encouraging leadership in youth, leadership philosophy, service learning for youth, leadership in conjunction with Kentucky’s educational standards, and developing leadership activities.
Leadership Institute XIX: TBA.
Leadership Institute XIX: TBA
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