A Letter from Dr. Julia L. Roberts
Dear Friends of The Center for Gifted Studies,
What do friends do for friends? They support them. The Center for Gifted Studies certainly
appreciates the support that has come from friends for thirty-five years. In fact,
The Center could not continue to exist without such support.
Each gift is so important to The Center’s ability to offer programming for children and young people as well as their educators and parents. Many children and young people must have financial assistance in order to participate in Super Saturdays, SCATS, or VAMPY. Friends who make gifts make it possible for a child to do so. Gifts from friends make it possible to bring in nationally recognized speakers to help educators learn about best practices for teaching gifted students and for leading schools in which advanced learners can thrive. Thank you.
Alone, The Center is very, very limited in what it can do. With friends of The Center, so much can happen that builds a bright future for children and for our country. If you have an idea for how you would like to support The Center, please call. Please consider supporting The Center.
Dr. Julia Roberts
Mahurin Professor of Gifted Studies & Executive Director of The Center
A Gift of…
$100 sends one child to Super Saturdays
$350 sends one child to Camp Explore or Camp Innovate
$2,100 sends one child to SCATS
$3,100 sends one child to VAMPY
$1,800 endows a scholarship to send one child a year to Super Saturdays
$64,000 endows a scholarship to send one child a year to SCATS
$95,000 endows a scholarship to send one child a year to VAMPY
$100,000 endows an annual lecture series
Your gift will improve the life of a gifted child and make our future brighter.