Support The Center for Gifted Studies

Did you know that The Center is self-sustaining? Did you know that you make The Center possible? Without our great friends, we wouldn’t be able to provide opportunities for gifted students, services for their teachers, or support for their families.
Gifted children hold the keys to the best possible futures for our communities, our
state, our nation – even our world. The Center’s goal is to help those young people
who are gifted and talented reach their extraordinary potential by providing them
with academic enrichment opportunities and a community of their intellectual peers.
Gifted and talented young people need opportunities for growth. Some of those needs
are being met by The Center through such programs as Super Saturdays, Camp Explore, Camp Innovate, SCATS, and VAMPY. But there’s so much more we’d like to do for teachers and for students. If you would
like to support The Center, contact Dr. Julia Roberts, Executive Director of The Center for Gifted Studies, or Haley Ashley, Director of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement.
The interest is there; the need is there; and, with your help, the programs will be there as well!
There were summers that I could not have attended VAMPY if not for the scholarship assistance provided. I realize now, years later, that those funds were provided through the generosity of those who had been touched by The Center. Giving back financially is a simple way that I can ensure today's gifted and talented youth have the same life-shaping opportunities I was fortunate to experience.
Dr. Scott Nass (VAMPY 1988-91; Counselor) Director of Inpatient Education Citrus Valley Family Medicine Residency in Burbank, CA
Give by Mail to the
Fund for Excellence
Give by Mail to the
Alumni Challenge Fund
Contact our Development Officer to discuss ways to support The Center.
Haley Ashley
Director of Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement