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The Kentucky Museum – Upcoming Exhibits



Two images, one of student shaking hands with mentor, another of student showing their work to parent
Side by Side 2025
April 16 - June 21, 2025

The Side by Side program was created by Arts for All Kentucky (formerly VSA) in 2004 for school age kids with special needs in communities across Kentucky. 

Image of art storage room with various artworks on racks
Treasures of the Collection
Opens May 7, 2025
Did you know Bowling Green has a huge fine art collection? The Kentucky Museum is home to over 1,000 works of art spanning five centuries of history. In Treasures of the Collection, we showcase 27 of these works from Flemish artist Adriaen Brouwer's The Prize (c. 1630-38) to Harlan Hubbard's Wellsburg, Kentucky, on the Ohio River (late 20th century). Along the way, discover religious scenes, famous portrait artists, one of Bowling Green's own female botanists, the first artist recognized for the use of x-ray technology, and the pioneers of pop art. 
Metal sculpture with two columns torn apart
Equal Temperament
July 16, 2025 - April 30, 2026
Equal Temperament highlights the breadth of modern metalworking in a juried art show, accompanied by interpretive programs to showcase metal’s links with other artistic and historical forms. The show invited entries from artists who are 18 years of age or older and living in the United States, whose work is inspired by or includes metalwork or forging and fits within a USPS Flat Rate Shipping Box. It is produced in collaboration with the Society for Inclusive Blacksmiths, WKU Department of Art & Design, and WKU Department of Music.



Title with four images of bands and one flyer for Picasso's nightclub
Sonic Landscape
Opens September 6, 2025

Rather than developing only one distinct sound, South-Central Kentucky has been a site of exchange and collaboration between and across a plurality of genres and styles, which owes its strength to the long history of heterogeneity in the region and the traffic of talent and opportunity between the region’s hub, Bowling Green, and nearby Nashville, TN, one hour south. Produced in partnership with the Kentucky Folklife Program, this multi-year exhibition interprets and contextualizes these rich musical traditions in the region and their influence throughout America.

More information.

Title with image of El Astronauta poster featuring orange background with man in astronaut suit
The Art of Music
January 2026 - December 2028
Musicians and artists have a symbiotic relationship - relying on one another to inspire and promote their works. At times, they are one and the same: musicians create visual works to promote their sounds, or visual artists become inspired to create sound from being involved in the promotion of other musicians' works. What kinds of visual art promote music? What do these works say about the music - its sound, producers, and culture? Featuring regional posters, flyers, drawings, zines, murals, and photography, we dive into the art of our Sonic Landscape.
title with images of two quilts
Inherited Threads: Generations of Kentucky Quilters
January 15, 2026 - November 30, 2027
How do you learn to quilt? For many, quilt-making begins at home: learning from mothers and grandmothers who pass on this decorative and utilitarian art form. Quilts tell the story of Kentucky families, many of whom have called the region home for generations. Inherited Threads showcases seventeen such families, whose members created quilts now in our permanent collection. They include stories of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, aunts, and sisters - relationships that trasncend time to showcase how quilting is taught and remembered among families, how quilters from different generations exhibit similarities or differences, and how these quilts become beloved family heirlooms. 
three sculptures - one of a face in a shoe, one of a trumpet, and one of leaves
The Charles H. Forrester Collection
Opens Summer 2026
Honoring the life and work of WKU art professor Charles H. Forrester, this exhibition celebrates the surrealist sculptures he created throughout a career of mentoring countless WKU students and traveling the world. Through the generosity of Forrester's daughter, Winnie, the Kentucky Museum has acquired a large portion of his work - including sculptures, drawings, artist notebooks, and tools - which will be on display as a collection in our Sculpture Gallery. 

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 Last Modified 3/18/25