Kentucky Building Faculty Resource Page
Fall 2024
In the 2023-2024 academic year, 125 WKU classes visited to the Museum with their professors. Professors also sent 369 individual students on their own to the Museum to see a particular exhibit, or exhibits, for a class assignment or to earn extra course credit.
Contact Dr.Christy Spurlock to book a visit, or just to chat about how the Museum might work with your subject area. Dr.Spurlock can discuss utilizing the Museum with your students, either with individual visits on their own, class visits, closed studies and more.
Four Ways WKU Professors Utilize the Museum
I. Sending students on their own to visit exhibit/s for course credit.
The Museum is FREE and open to the public Wednesday-Saturday 9AM-4PM. Many professors use assignments and/or ways of checking student visitation (sign-in rosters, QR codes,selfies, etc.). Dr.Spurlock will be happy to assist with what works best for you. Check out both current and upcoming exhibits.
II. Scheduling class/es for a guided tour of one or more exhibits.
WKU class tours are scheduled online and available Monday-Friday. The Museum can often accommodate requests for class visits before opening hours or after closing hours. Some professors use the entire period touring, while others conduct regular class in one of our classrooms for as long as they choose. When ready, the class tours an exhibit/s for the remainder of the period. The Museum is happy to set up a visit that best accommodates your class and schedule.
III. Sending students on their own to special programs/events for course credit.
We will have a unique WKU Activity Engagement QR code at each event for students to scan to prove attendance. Visit our America250 webpage for fall 2024/spring 2025 programs.
IV. Close Study
Our collections include thousands of other objects beyond what is on display. Schedule your class for the opportunity to closely examine unique art, artifacts, and much more. Request for Close Study.
Whether sending students on their own, or scheduling a class visit, our collections and exhibits may be used to teach students about observational skills, visual communication, multicultural perspectives and more. Click here for a small sampling of some of the ways WKU professors have used the Museum.