Kentucky Museum News
KyAEA All State Art Show opens at Kentucky Museum
- Tiffany Isselhardt
- Monday, February 17th, 2025
The Kentucky Museum is thrilled to serve as host venue for the Kentucky Art Education Association's Elementary & Middle School All-State Competition for 2025. This exhibit features works by students in grades K-8 from across Kentucky, which are exhibited from February 19 to March 15.
Each year, this competition begins at the regional level and culminates in the state-wide show, celebrating Kentucky's talented student artists. Students in grades K-8 currently in public and private Kentucky schools are eligible to enter, and teachers submit up to five pieces for the exhibition. Entires are gathered by coordinators, who then work with the host organization to display the works. At the end of the show, an Awards Reception honors students and gives them an introduction to the world of art competition judging and recognition.
The exhibition is presented by the Kentucky Art Education Association (KyAEA), which advances art education through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership. Established in March 1945, the association has continued to grow and change in service of Kentucky's art educators as a nonprofit, all volunteer, non-salary art educational organization. Its members are comprised of active and retired P-12 teachers, art advocates, and higher education art students and educators statewide. Each year, the organization sponsors a two-day convention, regional professional development meetings, and special shows for students to compete and exhibit artworks. The KyAEA is an affiliate of the National Art Education Association (NAEA).
The exhibition is on view in the Kentucky Museum's second floor gallery during all open hours, Wednesday through Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm.