Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport: Full-time Faculty & Staff

- Assistant Professor - Physical Education
- SSE 1035
- 270-745-4077
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD – Education Leadership, Eastern Michigan University
M.Ed – Education Leadership, Northern Arizona University
MA – Physical Education Pedagogy, Western Michigan University
BA – Physical Education, Exercise Science, Albion College
PE 111: Movement Themes and Concepts I - Lecture/Lab
PE 123: Movement Themes and Concepts II - Lecture/Lab
PE 211: Net/Wall and Target Sports - Lecture/Lab
PE 212: Net/Wall and Target Sports - Lecture/Lab
PE 313: Motor Development (online)
PE 314: Curriculum in Physical Education - Lecture/Lab
PE 320: Methods in Early and Middle Childhood PE - Lecture/Practicum
PE 322: Field Experience in PE I - Practicum
PE 343: Coaching of Baseball (online)
PE 390: Fitness/Wellness Applications
PE 415: Field Experience in Physical Education II - Lecuture/Practicum
PE 416: Special Topics in Physical Education - Lecture/Lab
Physical Education Division Coordinator, SHHP - Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI - 2011-2019
SHAPE Michigan-Upper Peninsula Region Representative - 2018-2019
Athletic Administration
Sahuarita Unified Schools, Sahuarita, AZ - 2008-2011
Bangor Public Schools, Bangor, MI - 2003-2008
Project Coordinator, S.T.E.P Summer Recreation Program - 2008-2011
Administrator of Summer Recreation Program, Sahuarita Unified Schools, Sahuarita, AZ
Program Director - 1998-2000
Huss Learning Center After-School Program
Three Rivers Community Schools
In-School Suspension Director
Three Rivers High School, Three Rivers, MI - 1997-1998
Assistant Varsity Softball Coach
Marquette Senor High school, Marquette, MI - 2018-2019
Head Football Coach
Sahuarita Middle School, Sahuarita, AZ - 2008-2011
Varsity Baseball Head Coach
Bangor High School, Bangor, MI - 2004-2007
Varsity Football Assistant Coach
Vicksburg High School, Vicksburg, MI - 2000-2003
Varsity Basketball Assistant Coach
Vicksburg High School, Vicksburg, MI - 2000-2003
Junior Varsity Head Baseball Coach
Vicksburg High School, Vicksburg, MI - 2000-2003
Varsity Football Assistant Coach
Colon High School, Colon, MI - 1996-1997
Junior Varsity Head Baseball Coach
Colon High School, Colon, MI - 1996-1997
Multiple years as a youth sport coach
Football, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball - 2000-2019
SHAPE Michigan Regional Director (Upper Peninsula) - 2018-2019
Growth Initiative Project Leader – Northern Michigan University - 2015-2016
Assisted growth program leader to increase majors within the Physical Education and Coaching disciplines.
Chair, Ad-Hoc Department Committee – Growth Initiative - 2015-2016
Department committee set up to assist the campus-wide initiative of increased enrollment.
Chair, Secondary Education Committee, Education - 2012-2015
Northern Michigan University, School of Leadership and Education.
Physical Education Division Coordinator, SHHP - 2011-2012
Northern Michigan University
Coordination of PE discipline, courses offered, faculty course assignments, academic outcome assessments, equipment coordinator, service learning.
1. Myers, Brian, Ph.D (2019). The Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels of College Students and Their High School Physical Education. Doctoral Dissertation, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI.
2. Patricia I. Hogan, Ph.D., James Santomier Jr., Ph.D. & Brian Myers, M.Ed. Sport Education in the Vuca World. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management June 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-37.
3. Myers, B.S., Frameworks for using Technology in Physical Education and Coaching. MAHPERD Journal, 2014 (peer reviewed).
4. Myers, B.S., Effectively Working with Parents: A look at parents’ desired characters of youth
SHAPE America – National Society of Health and Physical Educators
SHAPE Michigan – Michigan Society of Health and Physical Educators
NASPE – Member of the National Association of Sport and Physical Education
AAUP – American Association of University Professors
MHSAA – Michigan High School Athletic Association
CAP – Coach Advancement Program certified specialist
MHSBCA – Member of the Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Association
MHFCA – Member of the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association
MEA – Member of Michigan Education Association
NEA – Member of the National Education Association
Michigan Department of Education (MDE) – Professional Committee Service
I served on two committees through the MDE that is charged with curriculum and teacher certification test revision. Currently, we are working on combining PE and Health curriculums in to one major, and realigning the certification testing protocols.
Teacher Selection and Retention Committee – School of Education, NMU
I served on this committee as a University Supervisor to hear student appeals in regards to admittance or re-admittance to the education program.
Secondary Education Committee (Chaired 2013-2014)– School of Education, NMU
This committee is designed to ensure a consistent and high level of educational methods preparation, and a quality student teaching field experience program.
Teacher Education Accreditation Council – School of Education, Northern Michigan University
Accreditation gained for the School of Education through our collaborative efforts in teacher candidate preparation and field experience programming. The TEAC works with supervising teachers, principals, and University supervisors to develop a quality student-teacher experience.
Growth Initiative Ad-Hoc Committee (Chair) – SHHP Department, Northern Michigan University
This committee meets regularly to develop strategies for recruitment and retention of students within our departmental programs.
Ad-Hoc Committee (Chair)– SHHP Department, Northern Michigan University
This committee meets to discuss and plan the use of space within the HPER department for the optimal classroom, office, meeting, and social area experiences.
Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC) – SHHP Department, Northern Michigan University
This committee is in charge of annual, 5-year, and Department Head evaluations. Adherence to department bylaws and the master agreement to determine continued employment, recommendations for promotion, and acceptance of sabbatical applications.