Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport: Full-time Faculty & Staff

- Associate Professor/Program Coordinator - Physical Education
- Smith Stadium East 1018
- (270) 745-6038
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD: University of Arkansas
MS: Fort Hays State University
BA: Jamestown College
PE 101: Beginning Weight Training
PE 121: Dance and Rythmic Activities
PE 122: Foundations of Physical Education - (Traditional Lecture)
PE 122: Foundations of Physical Education - (Independent Learning)
PE 122: Foundations of Physical Education - (Online)
PE 222: Fitness Wellness Applications
PE 223: Intro to Teaching Physical Education
PE 300: Outdoor Education - Study Away in Puerto Rico
PE 300: Outdoor Education
PE 313: Motor Development - (Traditional Lecture)
PE 313: Motor Development - (Independent Learning)
PE 313: Motor Development - (Online)
PE 322: Field Experience in PE I
PEMS 326: Movement Studies Practicum
PE 354: PE/Elementary Schools (Online)
PE 415: Field Experience in PE II
PE 416: Special Topics in PE
PE 456: Ind. Adv. Studies in PE
PE 478: Teaching Physical Education
PE 483: Tech Applications in PE
PE 505: Foundations of Curriculum Construction (Online)
PE 505: Foundations of Curriculum Construction (Independent Learning)
PE 520: Teaching Strategies in Physical Education (Online)
PE 530: Independent Investigations in Physical Education (Online)
Selected Publications:
Ramos, A., Esslinger,K. (2017). A feedback specific video analysis protocol to enhance pre-service
teachers' interactions. Teacher Education and Practice, (In Review with Teacher
Education and Practice)
Ramos, A., Esslinger,K. (2017). Design and Implementation of appropriate progression for pre-service
physical educators. Strategies, (Accepted)
Sobrero, G., Arnett, S., Schafer, M., Stone, W., Tolbert, T.A., Sayler-Funk, A., Crandall, J., Farley,
McCoy, L., Esslinger, K., Baghurst, T. (2016). Injury and Inclusion: Understanding Common
Legal Concerns in Physical Education. Strategies (Accepted)
Ramos, A., Esslinger,K. (2016). Spicing up your curriculum: A seven-day handball unit.
Strategies, 29:4, 38-41
L., Brown, J., Lyons, S., Esslinger, F., Esslinger, K., & Maples, J. (2015). A comparison of
high intensity functional training and circuit training on health and performance variables in
women: A pilot study. Women in Sport and Activity Journal, 0(0) 1-30
Dixon, D., Esslinger, K., Wan-Ju, Y., & Grimes, A. (2015). Body image perception and body
dissatisfaction gender differences. KAHPERD Journal. (Accepted)
Esslinger, K., Esslinger, T., & Bagshaw, J. (2015). Reaching the overlooked student in physical
education. Strategies, 28(5) 40-42.
Esslinger, K. (2015). Adherence of wellness principles in physical and health educators: Can
the physical dimension predict overall wellness? ArkAHPERD Journal, 50(1) 8-14.
Esslinger, K., Grimes, A., & Pyle. E. (2015). Effects of requiring physical fitness in a lecturebased
college course; Students attitudes towards physical activity. The Physical
Educator, 72(4).
Ramos, A., Esslinger, K., & Pyle, E. (2015). The impact of field Experience on preservice
teachers delivery of feedback. The Physical Educator, Special Edition August 2015.
Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., Hey, W., & Manny, G. (2014). Wellness levels of physical and health
education professionals. KAHPERD Journal, 51(2) 8-16.
Upright, P., Esslinger, K., & Hey, W. (2014). Health issues affecting college student’s academic
performance. KAHPERD Journal, 51(2) 30-36.
Pyle, E., & Esslinger, K. (2014). Utilizing technology in physical education: Addressing the
obstacles of integration. Delta Kappa Gamma International Journal for Professional
Educators. 80(2), 35-39
Whitlock, S., Cowherd, H., Esslinger, K., & Nixon, T. (2012). Examination of nutritional patterns
for female college students. KAHPERD Journal, 50(2) 9-16.
Ramos, A., Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., & Whitlock, S. (2012). The practice of videotape analysis to
augment pre-service teachers use of class time. KAHPERD Journal, 50(1) 29-38.
Pyle, E., Hope, S., Esslinger, T., & Esslinger K. (2015). Leaving the choir and reaching into the pews. Presented at PETE & HETE National Conference, Atlanta GA.
Esslinger, K., Dixon, D., Wan-Ju Y., & Grimes, A. (2014). Fitness perceptions of college age men and women. AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO.
Dixon, D., Esslinger, K., Wan-Ju, Y., & Whitlock, S. (2013). Active males and females perceptions of body image and body satisfaction. AAFCS 104th Conference, Houston, TX.
Dixon, D., Esslinger, K., Wan-Ju, Y., & Whitlock, S. (2013). Does gender matter? Perceptions of body satisfaction and body image in young adults. National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference, Washington D.C..
Dixon, D., Esslinger, K., Wan-Ju, Y., & Whitlock, S. (2013). Minority gender differences in body satisfaction among college students and the relationship to body image. NAAAS National Annual conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
Wan-Ju, Y., Dixon, D., Esslinger, K., & Whitlock, S. (2013). Are guys and gals different? A look at eating habits and body image perceptions in college students. Food and Nutrition Conference, Houston, TX Oct. 19-22
Upright, P., Esslinger, K., & Spurlin, L. (2013). Exploring motivational characteristics of recreational road cyclists competing in multiday tourism events. NASSM 2013 National Conference, Austin, TX.
Esslinger, K. awarded $3997 for junior faculty grant for technology. Is there a difference in real- time coding versus reflective coding for physical education field experience pre-service teachers?
Esslinger, K. awarded $500 for Study Away Travel Grant awarded for the planning of the Puerto Rico PE 300 course.
Whitlock, SE, Dixon, DL, Yen, WJ, Esslinger, K. awarded $1600 for research on nutrition, body image, and physical activity among college students.
Professional SeService
KAHPERD Teacher of the Year Committee (2012-2015)
Chair: Adult Development and Aging Council SDAHPERD General Division (2015)
VP: Sport & Leisure General Division KAHPERD (2015)
Chair Elect: Adult Development and Aging Council SDAHPERD General Division (2014)
VP: Sport & Leisure General Division KAHPERD (2014)
Section Chair: Adapted Physical Education KAHPERD (2014)
Chair Elect: Adult Development and Aging Council SDAHPERD General Division (2013)
Delegate: Representative Assembly for the SDAHPERD General Division (2013)
VP Elect: Sport & Leisure General Division KAHPERD (2013)
Section Chair: Elect Adapted Physical Education KAHPERD (2013)
Nominated VP Elect: Physical Education Division SDAHPERD (2012)
Delegate: Representative Assembly for the General Division SDAHPERD (2012)
Section Chair Elect: Adapted Physical Education KAHPERD (2012)