Kinesiology, Recreation & Sport: Full-time Faculty & Staff

- Professor - Recreation, Park & Nonprofit Administration + CHHS Fellow for Leadership Development
- Academic Complex 200C
- (270) 745-5482
- Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. – University of Utah
MS – University of Northern Iowa
BS – University of Oregon
PE 100: Volleyball
REC 200: Foundations of Recreation and Leisure
REC 302: Recreation Leadership
REC 328: Inclusive Recreation
REC 402: Fiscal Practices in Recreation
REC 424/G: Camp and Conference Administration
REC 480: Travel-based Learning in Recreation and Tourism
REC 482/G: Costa Rica: Service Learning, Ecotourism, and Outdoor Recreation
REC 482/G: Ecuador: Sustainable Development Issues and Ecotourism in Amazonian and Galapagos Ecuador
REC 482/G: Recreation and Youth Development
REC 484: Advanced Studies in Recreation Administration
REC 490: Recreation Internship
REC 501: Research Methods in Recreation and Sport
REC 513: Organization Administration in Recreation and Sport
RSA 570: Fiscal Administration in the Nonprofict Sector
SPM 402: Fiscal Practices in Sport (cross listed with REC 402)
Selected Publications
Hill, E., Evans, A., Ramsing, R., & Collings, T. (Under review). Examining collaborative day camps: A focus on youth outcomes. Journal of Youth Development.
*Hill, E., Ramsing, R., Goff, J., Kennedy, B., Posey, T., Collins, T., & Turnage, M. (Under review). Family diabetes camp: Fostering resiliency among campers and parents. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.
Jordan, D. & Ramsing, R. (2017). Leadership in leisure services: Making a difference (4th ed.). State College, PA: Venture.
*Hill, E., Ramsing, R., Goff, J., Turnage, M., Kennedy, B., & Collins, T. (2016). Family diabetes camp: Fostering resiliency among campers and parents. Paper presented at National Recreation Parks Association Leisure Research Symposium, St. Louis, MO. Abstract retrieved from
*Hill, E., McClellan-Holt, J. Ramsing, R. & Goff, J. (2016). Evaluating day camps using the ACA youth outcomes battery. Parks and Recreation, 51(1), 14-17.
* Hill, E., Gagnon, R., & Ramsing, R. Goff, J., Kennedy, B., & Hooker, T. (2015). Measuring the impact of a medical specialty camp: Using Self-determinationTheory. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, XLIX(4), 310-25.
*Goff, J., Hill, E., Holt, J., Ramsing, R., & Collings, T. (2015, September). Campus recreation day camps: Predicting camper outcomes. Paper presented at National Recreation Parks Association Leisure Research Symposium (pp. 65-67), Las Vegas, NV. Abstract retrieved from
*Miller, J., Hill, E., Shellman, A., Ramsing, R., & Lawhon, B. (2014). Measuring the effectiveness of the Leave No Trace PEAK Program. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging research and practice, 9(2), 52-64.
*Poff, R., Cleinmark, J., Stenger-Ramsey, T., Ramsing, R., & Gibson, F. (2013). Outdoor ethics and Appalachian Trail hikers: An investigation of Leave No Trace practices. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 51(1), 54-64.
*Poff, R., Stenger-Ramsey, T., Ramsing, R., & Spencer, S. (2013). Outdoor recreation journals: A topical analysis from 2009-2012. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 5(2), 151-54. Doi:10.7768/1948-5123.1215
Ramsing, R., Goldy, L., & Hill, E. (2013). Positive youth development: A snapshot in time. Kentucky Recreation and Park Society Quarterly, 63(2), 6-9.
*Gonzales, T., Poff, R., Ramsing, R., Lyons, S., Zabriskie, R., & Murrell, L. (2013). Family leisure and physical activity: A study of seventh and eighth grade students. Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 50(2), 32-45.
*Miller, J., Shellman, A., Hill, E., Ramsing, R., & Lawhon, B. (2012). The development and validation of the Leave No Trace PEAK Assessment Scale (PAS). Research in Outdoor Education, 11, 47-62.
Invited Presentations
Ramsing, R. (2017). Education abroad within your career trajectory. Faculty workshop: International Program Leadership. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green,KY. October.
Ramsing, R. (2017). Adapting your teaching to an international venue. Faculty workshop: International Program Leadership. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. October.
*Ramsing, R., Hill, E., Direnzo, A., & Marchand, G. (2017). Grant writing with a purpose: Connecting dreams to resources. National Recreation Parks Association Annual Congress. New Orleans, LA. September.Ramsing, R. (2016). WKU Internationalization: Strategies for the College of Health and Human Services. College of Health and Human Services Fall Meeting, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. August.
*Hill, E., Collins, T., & Ramsing, R. & Evans, A. (2016). Collaboration between secondary schools and universities for outdoor camps: Using the ACA Youth Outcomes Battery. Association for Outdoor Recreation & Education National:Research Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. November.
Ramsing, R., & Roberts, P. (2016). Grant writing for a purpose. Kentucky Recreationand Park Society Annual Conference. Hopkinsville, KY. November.
*Ramsing, R., & Hill, E. (2016). Connecting youth with nature: Environmental awareness through Leave No Trace. National Recreation Parks Association Annual Congress. St. Louis, NV. October.
*Hill, E., Ramsing, R., Goff, J., Turnage, M., Kennedy, B., & Collins, T. (2016). Family diabetes camp: Fostering resiliency among campers and parents. National Recreation Parks Association Research Symposium. National Recreation Association Annual Congress. St. Louis, MO. October.
*Hill, E., Ramsing, R., Goff, J., Hill, E., Holt, J., & Collings, T. (2015). Campus recreation day camps: Predicting camper outcomes. Leisure Research Symposium, National Recreation Parks Association Annual Congress. Las Vegas, NV. September.
Ramsing, R. (2015). Perish or flourish: Exploring the evaluation maze. Kentucky Recreation and Park Society Annual Conference. Lexington, KY. November.
*Ramsing, R., & Hill, E. (2015). Promoting environmental awareness in kids through Leave No Trace Principles. National Recreation Parks Association Annual Congress. Las Vegas, NV. September.
Mitchell, K., & Ramsing, R. (2015). Investing in humanity. Kentucky Study Abroad Symposium. Bowling Green, KY. April.
Woosley, J., Mitchell, K., Ackerman, T. & Ramsing, R. (2015). What students want: Getting the most from your study abroad experience. Kentucky Study Abroad Symposium. Bowling Green, KY. April.
*Hill, E., Ramsing, R., Holt, J., & Gagnon, R. (2014). The ACA Youth Outcomes Battery: Assess the benefits of an outdoor adventure university day camp. Association of Outdoor Recreation & Education National Conference. Portland, OR: November
Collins, T., Hill, E., & Ramsing, R. (2017). GOALS R US! Get Out & Lower Sugars through Resiliency and Unyielding Strength. Hampton Roads Foundation: Community Leadership Partners, Norfolk, VA. Received $10,500.
Ramsing, R., & Guffey, K. (2017). Curriculum Development/International Program Grant - Ecuador. Received $2500.
Ramsing, R. (2017). Student support for attendance at National Recreation Park Association National Congress – New Orleans, LA. Received $2500. WKU.
Noel, C., Ramsing, R., Paquin, A. (2017). A capacity-building approach to embedding global competencies in teacher preparation. Request for $19,000. Longview Foundation. Pending.
Noel, C., Gandy, K., Evans, S., Spencer, R., & Ramsing, R. (2016). A three-pronged approach to implementing internationalization of teacher preparation at Western Kentucky University. Request for $10,000. Longview Foundation. Not funded.
Ramsing, R., & Smith, K. (2014). Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement (FUSE). Office of Research. Received $3000. WKU
Professional Service
Dugas Professor of Recreation Administration. Appointed to endowed position to liaison between WKU and Friends of Dugas Community Park. (2015-2017)
Member. College of Health and Human Services Academic Complaint Committee. Western Kentucky University. (2015-Present)
Chairperson. International Education Advisory Council. Voted into by Council. Western Kentucky University. (2014-2017)
Alternate Board member. Western Kentucky University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Appointed by provost, Western Kentucky University. (2013-Present)
Chairperson. College of Health and Human Services Internationalization Committee. Standing committee of faculty/staff from each college department with charge to promote study abroad and global learning. (2008-Present)
Reviewer for National Recreation Park Assocation Research Symposium. Topic area: Health and wellness. National Recreation and Park Association. (2016)
Reviewer for Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. (2015-2016)
Reviewer for research Symposium. Association of Outdoor Recreation & Education National Conference. Atlanta, GA (2015)
Reviewer for Leisure Research Symposium. Topic area: Health and wellness. National Recreation and Park Association. (2015)
Reviewer. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Asked to review grant proposals on Youth Development. (2013)
Search committee member. Executive Director search for Kentucky Recreation and Park Society. (2013)
Chairperson - Bowling Green Board of Park Commissioners. Bowling Green, KY (2015-Present)
Special Olympics Spring Games - faciliteate track and field events for Sp. Olympic Athletes in conjuction with Inclusive Recreation course (REC 328). Bowling Green, Ky (2010-Present)
Warren County Services Fair. Provide recreational opportunities and support for refugee families participating in Services Fair. Bowling Green, Ky (2013-Present)
Master Plan Steering Committee member. Bowling Green, Kentucky master plan (2014-2015)
Run for the Planet. National Georgraphic Community event to encourage running and recycling. Bowlng Green, KY. September (2012)